Congressman Sandy Levin : Congressional Connector : Week of May 21 - 25, 2007
Congressman Sandy Levin


Congressional Connector

The Congressional Connector
Week of May 21 - 25, 2007

House Votes to Crack Down on Gasoline Price Gouging

On May 23, the House of Representatives voted 284 to 141 to approve legislation [H.R. 1252, the Federal Price Gouging Prevention Act] to give the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) explicit authority to investigate and punish gasoline profiteers.  H.R. 1252 prohibits the wholesale and retail sale of gasoline at prices that are unconscionably excessive and would require gas gougers to pay triple damages, or $3 million, for violations of the law.  The Bush Administration has indicated that the President may veto the bill.  Speaking in support the measure, Rep. Levin said, “The other side says that we should do nothing.  They say that it’s a world market for oil, and therefore something we cannot control.  How then do they explain that the cost of gasoline has been rising even in the face of falling world oil prices?  We must face the fact that there is something wrong in the distribution chain, especially during times of energy emergencies such as when Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast....  The oil companies oppose this bill.  The White House also has indicated that the President may veto the bill.  With all due respect, we work for our constituents, not the oil companies and not the White House.”  For more information, click here.

In a related action, on May 22, the House voted 345 to 72 to adopt legislation [H.R. 2264] to give the Justice Department the authority to take legal action against OPEC oil cartel members that participate in efforts to limit supply or fix the price of oil. 


House Approves Veterans’ Health Legislation

On May 23, the House approved a number of veterans’ measures to address traumatic brain injury and mental health needs, which are growing problems among our nation’s veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan.  One of the bills [H.R. 2199, the Traumatic Brain Injury Health Enhancement and Long-Term Support Act] would ensure that our veterans are properly screened for Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI, the signature injury of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan) and, if diagnosed, receive the appropriate treatment.  Thousands of wounded soldiers from Iraq and Afghanistan have been diagnosed with traumatic brain injuries.  These numbers may even be higher since many cases are often undiagnosed and go untreated.  H.R. 2199 requires the Department of Veterans Affairs to screen veterans for TBI and also calls for a comprehensive program of long-term care for post-acute TBI rehabilitation. 

The House also approved legislation [H.R. 612, the Returning Servicemember VA Healthcare Insurance Act] which extends the period of eligibility for health care for combat service in the Persian Gulf or future hostilities from two years to five years after discharge or release.  The bill is meant to address mental health conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder, which may not be evident right after a veteran’s discharge from service.  Rep. Levin voted for both H.R. 2199 and H.R. 612. 


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