Congressman Sandy Levin : Congressional Connector : December 11, 2007
Congressman Sandy Levin


Congressional Connector

The Congressional Connector
December 10 - 14, 2007

House Approves Landmark Energy Security Legislation
On December 6, the House of Representatives approved comprehensive energy legislation [H.R. 6] to bolster U.S. energy security, lower energy costs, grow the economy, and begin to address global warming.  The House approved the measure on a vote of 235 to 181. 

The House-passed bill increases the fuel efficiency of vehicles to 35 miles per gallon by 2020; requires utilities to produce 15 percent of their electricity from renewable sources of energy; boosts use of American-grown biofuels in transportation, and ultimately saves consumers billions of dollars through new energy efficiency standards for a wide range of products, appliances, lighting and buildings. 

Speaking in favor of the legislation, Rep. Levin said, “Today we import more than 60 percent of the oil we use.  It is simply not in our long-term security interests to continue to rely on oil imports from the Middle East and other volatile regions of the world.... The legislation calls for a 40 percent increase in vehicle fuel economy by 2020.  The compromise that has been reached is ambitious, but it has the support of auto manufacturers, the United Auto Workers, consumer groups, and the environmental community.  We also reform the existing CAFÉ mechanism, which for years has discriminated against manufactures, including Ford, GM and Chrysler, that produce a full line of vehicle sizes.  The agreement contains anti-backsliding language to help keep small car production here in the United States and protect the jobs of American workers.” 

To read Rep. Levin’s remarks in full and view a summary of the Energy bill, click here.

The U.S. Senate is now considering the bill.  The House and Senate will eventually have to agree on a final version of the energy legislation.

Levin Supports Bill to Ensure Wounded Warriors Receive Full Benefits
Rep. Levin recently cosponsored legislation to ensure that service members receive full payment of their enlistment bonuses, even if their military service is cut short by injuries.  The Veterans Guaranteed Bonus Act [H.R. 3793], which was introduced by Rep. Jason Altmire, would require the Department of Defense to provide veterans discharged due to combat-related wounds with full payment of their enlistment bonuses within 30 days of discharge.  According to current Department of Defense rules, enlistees cannot receive their full enlistment bonus unless they fulfill their entire military obligation.  Unfortunately, members of the armed services who are wounded while on active duty are not receiving their full bonuses because their service was prematurely cut short. 

For more information, click here.

The Week Ahead
The House will be burning the midnight oil this week in an effort to wrap up a large number of important bills before Congress adjourns for the year.  In particular, the House is expected to consider a large Omnibus appropriations bill that funds most non-defense federal programs for 2008.  The path forward on this legislation is tricky as the Bush Administration has pledged to veto any bill that deviates from the President’s budgetary priorities. The House Leadership has been attempting to fashion a budget that avoids the Administration’s spending cuts to medical research, college assistance, job training and education, health care, and other key domestic priorities.                

The House is also expected to consider the final versions of the Department of Defense Authorization bill as well as the Intelligence Authorization bill.  The House will also take up legislation to protect more than 23 million families from being hit with a tax increase under the alternative minimum tax (AMT) when they file their 2007 taxes in a few months.  The House had previously approved an AMT relief package on November 9, but the Senate rejected the House-passed provisions to pay for it. 


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