Congressman Sander Levin

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  The Congressional Connector
Week of February 11 - 15, 2008
Economic Stimulus Bill Clears Congress

Responding to continued weakness in the U.S. economy, the House of Representatives gave final approval to bipartisan legislation [H.R. 5140] to help Americans who are struggling with the high costs of energy, health care and groceries, and jumpstart the slowing economy.  The broad-based stimulus package will provide tax relief of up to $600 per individual and $1200 per married couple, plus an additional $300 per child.  The House approved the measure on a vote of 380 to 34.  The Senate has also approved the bill, and the rebate checks will start to be sent out in early May.

Approximately 130 million families will receive tax relief.  In a major change from an earlier version of the legislation, the final stimulus package extends the rebates to 20 million additional senior households, as well as 250,000 disabled veterans.

Writing about the economy in the Macomb Daily on February 12th, Rep. Levin urged the Bush Administration and Congress to follow up with extension of unemployment benefits, as well as insist on better trade agreements with other nations: “Rather than basically more of the same, the certainty of the problems in our economy requires new policies.  The need for short-term stimulus is certain.  The immediate, stimulating effect of extending unemployment benefits is quite certain.  And, most certainly, with proper domestic investments and effective international trade policies, we can achieve real, long-term economic stimulus.” 

To read the entire article, click here.

House Approves Bill to Rein in College Costs

On February 7, the House voted 354 to 58 to adopt the College Opportunity and Affordability Act [H.R. 4137].  This legislation builds on efforts taken by Congress last year to make college more affordable and accessible. 

H.R. 4137 addresses rising tuition prices by encouraging colleges to rein in price increases, ensuring that states maintain their commitments to higher education funding, allowing students to receive Pell Grant scholarship aid year round, and providing students and families with consumer-friendly information on college pricing.  The legislation also includes increased college aid for veterans, military families, low-income and minority students. 

For more information, click here.

Lawmakers Demand Accountability for Crimes Committed Against Americans by U.S. Contractors in Iraq

On January 24, more than 100 House lawmakers wrote to the Secretary of Defense to obtain detailed information about the Pentagon’s efforts to protect Americans employed by government contractors in Iraq from violent crime.  The letter references the case of a young American woman who was employed in Baghdad by a U.S. company (KPR) who was allegedly assaulted and raped by fellow employees.  The circumstances surrounding this case are extremely troubling and raise serious questions about the federal government’s use of thousands of contractors in Iraq and what is being done to hold them accountable when laws are broken. 

To read the letter, click here.

The Week Ahead

This week, the House is expected to debate the Public Housing Asset Management Improvement Act [H.R. 3521].  Later in the week, the House is expected to consider the Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation Tax Act of 2008, as well as consider the Senate-passed amendments relating to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA).
