Congressman Sander Levin

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Free Press
July 2, 2008
Coutnee James
Special Writer
Teen Sharpens her Skills on Capitol Hill
While presidential candidates Sens. Barack Obama and John McCain are in a race for the White House, 17-year-old Lianna Stroster of St. Clair Shores already has had the privilege of working there.

Instead of spending her junior year at Lakeshore High School, Lianna was on Capitol Hill working as a page in the Congressional Page Program.

The program is an opportunity for students to experience firsthand for five months what happens on Capitol Hill. Their internship must be sponsored by a legislator.

Lianna was among 50 students -- and the only one from Michigan -- who studied at the Library of Congress and attended classes at the Senate Page School.

She worked on the House floor, ran errands for politicians, answered phones and watched debates on Capitol Hill.

"I learned so much ... I learned to find what I love whether it be politics or whatever, and just do it ... Put 110% in it and have a great time," she said.

Last month, she delivered the graduation address at the end of the page program.

She said the most memorable moment during the program was watching the debate about the wiretapping bill.

The bill passed on March 14. It updates the 30-year-old Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act and allows the government more leeway in eavesdropping on telephone calls -- in an effort to stop terrorist attacks.

U.S. Rep. Sander Levin, D-Royal Oak, who sponsored Lianna for the program, called her a standout.

"Lianna's work at the Capitol has been outstanding," he said in a statement. "Lianna has worked hard, and demonstrated a real interest in and capacity for public service."

Lianna plans to go to college, though she's not sure where. She wants to study international relations.

She offers this advice to those interested in the page program: "Make sure it's really what you want to do. Be prepared to stay up late and wake up early," she said. "If politics is your passion, apply today."
