Congressman Sander Levin

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For Immediate Release
September 26, 2008
Levin Statemnet in Support of H.R. 7110, Job Creation and Unemployment Relief Act of 2008
(Washington D.C.)- I want to spend these 2 minutes talking about a lot of forgotten people in this country, the people who are looking for work, laid off through no fault of their own.

   This bill would address their needs. If we don't act, over a million Americans are going to exhaust their unemployment benefits before the end of the year. The unemployment rate in California has skyrocketed, now 7.7 percent with 1.4 million people looking for jobs. In Florida, the unemployment rate is 6.5 percent; 600,000-plus people looking for work. And in my home State of Michigan, over 400,000 people are out of work through no fault of their own.

   The answer to the agony of the unemployed from the minority is stony silence. It is inexcusable. We need to pass this bill and address the needs of the unemployed.

   I will read just from one letter, someone from Southfield, Michigan. ``I am 54 years old and finding that there are no jobs available to me. I do not want to be part of the statistics of those who lose a home or worse. The unemployment benefits give me more time to secure a job so that I and others like me are not a burden to the system.''
   We should stand up for those people and pass this bill.
