Congressman Sander Levin

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For Immediate Release
October 3, 2008
Levin Statement in support of the Unemployment Compensation Extension Act of 2008
(Washington D.C.)- Madam Speaker, this morning a jobs report came out. It paints a truly devastating picture for the American economy and for American families.

   In September, we had the biggest 1-month job loss in over 5 years. Long-term unemployed rose dramatically, up 167,000, to a total of 2 million; 775,000 people will exhaust the first emergency extension this month alone, over 1 million by the end of the year, unless we act. New claims for unemployment are at a 7-year high. And I point this out finally, the statistics are startling. Let's look beyond the statistics to the people involved. In total, there are now 9.5 million people in our country looking for work, the most since 1992.
   I simply would ask those who would vote against this, come down to the floor and explain not only to their district, but the American people, why they would not vote ``yes'' on the extension of unemployment compensation.
