Congressman Sandy Levin


Press Releases

For Immediate Release
January 5, 2007
First Vote of the 110th Congress Cleans Up Washington

(Washington D.C.)- The new Democratic 110th Congress today passed an aggressive ethics reform package to restore public trust in the Congress. U.S. Rep. Sander Levin (D-Royal Oak) today applauded the passage of The Honest Leadership and Open Government bill during the opening of the 110th Congress.

"It is absolutely necessary to reform the way this House conducts its business," said Levin. "Today, business as usual has changed in Washington and now we can move onto addressing other critical issues Americans face every day. The House of Representatives must return to being the House of the People, not the House of Special Interests."

The reforms passed by the House of Representatives - many of which were adopted on broad, bipartisan votes - are the most significant ethics and lobbying revisions in decades:

Bans Gifts from Lobbyists: Bans gifts and meals from lobbyists and the organizations that employ them, and require that tickets to sporting and other events given to Members and staff are valued at market prices.

Bans Lobbyist Travel: Bans lobbyists and organizations that employ them from planning, organizing, financing, arranging, or participating in travel for Members or their staff. The use of company planes will also be prohibited.

End of the "K Street Project": End Republican efforts like the "K Street Project" where Republicans told corporations and lobbying firms whom they should hire in exchange for political access.

Ban on Arm Twisting for Votes: Prohibits the practice of holding votes open for undue amounts of time for the sole purpose of twisting arms and affecting the outcome of a vote.

Require Fiscal and Budgetary Responsibility: Adopts "pay as you go" budget rules to stop any new deficit spending as the first step toward reversing the record deficits mortgaging our children's future.

Earmark Reform: Provides full disclosure of all earmarks, requiring Members to certify that earmarks provided would be for the public good - not financially benefiting themselves or their spouses.

Next week, the House of Representatives will continue to pass the Democratic Majority's 100 Legislative Hour Agenda that includes implementing the 9/11 Commission Recommendations, increasing the minimum wage, expanding stem cell research, allowing negotiation of lower prescription drug costs, cutting the interest rates on student loans, and ending subsidies for big oil and investing in renewable energy.

For Mr. Levin's complete floor statement, please click here.


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