Congressman Sandy Levin : Press Release : Levin Supports Comprehensive Energy Bill
Congressman Sandy Levin


Press Releases

For Immediate Release
December 6, 2007

Levin Supports Comprehensive
Energy Bill

Congressman Supports Legislation to Strengthen Energy Security, Lower Energy Costs, Grow Economy, Create Jobs, and Address Global Warming


(Washington D.C.)- Congressman Sander M. Levin issued the following statement in support the Energy Independence and Security Act debated on the floor of the House of Representatives today:

“All of us know that we can’t continue business as usual.  In my home state of Michigan, gas costs over $3 a gallon.  Families are struggling with persistently high home heating costs.  At the same time, the effects of climate change are becoming more and more pronounced. 

“The package before the House strengthens our energy security, lowers energy costs, grows our economy, creates jobs, and begins to address global warming.  It also bolsters our national security.  It is simply not in our long-term security interests to continue to rely on oil imports from the Middle East and other volatile regions of the world.  We can’t drill our way out way out of this situation, so we need to try another approach.

“In particular, the legislation calls for a 40 percent increase in vehicle fuel economy by 2020.  The compromise that has been reached is ambitious, but it has the support of auto manufacturers, the United Auto Workers, consumers groups, and the environmental community.  We also reform the existing CAFE mechanism, which for years has discriminated against manufactures, including Ford, GM and Chrysler, that produce a full line of vehicle sizes.  The agreement contains anti-backsliding language to help keep small car production here in the United States and protect the jobs of American workers.  I am pleased that this bill also begins the work of helping industry reach the higher mileage standards through retooling assistance and incentives such as a new hybrid tax credit.”

Congressman Levin’s full remarks follow-

Madam Speaker:

I support the rule and urge the House to adopt the Energy Independence and Security Act.

The basic issue before us is whether we are going to take action to address energy security in this country, or are we going to sit on the sidelines and let American consumers and businesses fend for themselves.  All of us know that we can’t continue business as usual.  The price of oil stands near $90 a barrel.  In my home state of Michigan, gas costs over $3 a gallon.  Families are struggling with persistently high home heating costs.  At the same time, the effects of climate change are becoming more and more pronounced, yet the United States remains the only industrialized nation in the world that has no plan to address global warming. 

The package before the House strengthens our energy security, lowers energy costs, grows our economy, creates jobs, and begins to address global warming.  It also bolsters our national security.  Today we import more than 60 percent of the oil we use.  It is simply not in our long-term security interests to continue to rely on oil imports from the Middle East and other volatile regions of the world.  We can’t drill our way out way out of this situation, so we need to try another approach.

Many of the provisions of this legislation are common sense and will achieve significant energy savings with little or no cost.  For example, the bill sets new energy efficiency standards for appliances, lighting, and buildings.  Doing so will save consumers and businesses hundreds of billions of dollars over time.  This legislation also includes incentives for manufacturers to produce washing machines, refrigerators and dishwashers that push the boundaries of energy and water efficiency, and to build them in the United States.  Reducing the energy or water usage of a washing machine may seem like a small thing, but over time and across millions of households, these incentives will produce remarkable reductions in energy and water usage, and consumers will save money on their utility bills.

Other sections of this bill will challenge key sectors of our economy.  In particular, the legislation calls for a 40 percent increase in vehicle fuel economy by 2020.  The compromise that has been reached is ambitious, but it has the support of auto manufacturers, the United Auto Workers, consumers groups, and the environmental community.  We also reform the existing CAFÉ mechanism, which for years has discriminated against manufactures, including Ford, GM and Chrysler, that produce a full line of vehicle sizes.  The agreement contains anti-backsliding language to help keep small car production here in the United States and protect the jobs of American workers.  I am pleased that this bill also begins the work of helping industry reach the higher mileage standards through retooling assistance and incentives such as a new plug-in hybrid tax credit.
I also strongly support the renewable electricity portfolio provisions of this bill that require utilities to generate 15 percent of their electricity from renewable sources by 2020.  Obviously, this provision will pay environmental dividends.  Moving towards renewable energy will help keep mercury out of the Great Lakes and greenhouse gases out of the atmosphere, but it also will help create new industries and jobs here in the United States.  There is no reason in the world why the U.S. should not lead the world in the production of wind turbines and solar panels.  This bill will help ensure that these jobs are created here in the United States. 

Our work in this House is about priorities, and the difference in priorities on this bill could not be more clear.  I urge all of my colleagues to support this responsible legislation.           

To view a summary of a the Energy Bill please click here.


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