Congressman Sander Levin

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For Immediate Release
May 1, 2008
Cullen Schwarz
Office: 202.225.4961
Mobile: 202.225.0471
House Approves Bill to
Prevent Genetic Discrimination
  Bill Co-sponsored by Rep. Levin Would Ensure Patients Are Not Discriminated Against Due to Predisposition to Disease
(Washington D.C.)- The House of Representatives today passed legislation to protect patients against discrimination by health insurance providers and employers based on their genetic makeup or predisposition to disease or chronic condition.   H.R. 493, the Genetic Information Non-discrimination Act of 2008, was approved by a vote of 414-1.  Congressman Sander Levin is a co-sponsor of the legislation.
“Newly developed genetic testing holds great promise in treating illness,” said Rep. Levin.  “So we need to take steps to ensure that fear of discrimination by employers or health care providers does not discourage people from undergoing genetic testing or participating in clinical studies.  No one should face discrimination because of their genetic make-up or a preexisting health condition.  The legislation passed today will protect patients and promote medical research.”
H.R. 493 prohibits insurance companies, employers and labor unions from discriminating on the basis of an individual's genetic information for the purpose of employment, providing compensation, providing health insurance and increasing premiums. 
The legislation was originally approved in the House with a vote of 420 to 3 on April 25, 2007.  Until last week, the bill has been held up in the Senate by Senator Tom Coburn over concerns the bill would expose employers to excessive legal liability.  The Senate amended and passed H.R. 493 by unanimous consent April 24, 2008. 
“Legislation to stop discrimination based on an existing health condition or family history has been a long time coming,” said Rep. Levin.  “We first approved this bill in the Ways and Means Committee over a year ago.  I am pleased it is finally on its way to the president.”
