Congressman Sander Levin

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For Immediate Release
April 4, 2008
Cullen Schwarz
Office: 202.225.4961
Mobile: 202.225.0471
Jobs Report Shows More Evidence of Overdue Need to Extend Unemployment Insurance
  Rep. Levin: “The President and Congressional Republicans Must End Opposition Immediately”
(Washington D.C.)-  Congressman Sander Levin called for swift action in the House of Representatives to approve an extension of unemployment insurance benefits after new data showed that the U.S has lost nearly a quarter million jobs in the first quarter of 2008.  Today's Department of Labor employment report showed the number of jobs in the economy dropping for the third consecutive month (declining by 232,000 since December, 80,000 in March alone), and the number of unemployed Americans rising by 434,000 in March (for a total of 7.8 million).  The national unemployment rate went from 4.8% to 5.1%.

Ways and Means Income Security and Family Support Subcommittee, which has jurisdiction over the unemployment insurance system, has scheduled a hearing for next Thursday, April 10 to highlight the need to extend unemployment insurance benefits.

“The unemployment rate jumped, we lost more than 80,000 jobs last month, and long-term unemployment is at record levels – the President and Congressional Republicans must end their opposition to extending unemployment benefits immediately.”

“In the past, extensions of unemployment benefits have come too late.  We simply cannot afford to wait any longer while the nation’s economic condition worsens and more jobs are lost.  Across the U.S., 1.3 million workers are expected to exhaust their jobless benefits by June, 72,000 of these in Michigan alone.  I hope this new report and next week’s hearing will finally provide a catalyst for action to help jobless workers and strengthen our economy.”
