Congressman Sander Levin

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For Immediate Release
March 19, 2008
Cullen Schwarz
Office: 202.225.4961
Mobile: 202.225.0471
Congressman Levin Addresses
Lake St. Clair Conference
  Rep. Levin Says Local, State and International Stakeholders Must Keep
Pressure on Federal Government to Protect Lakes  
(Harrison Township, MI)- Congressman Sander Levin addressed the 4th Binational Lake St. Clair Conference today, discussing his efforts to restore and protect Lake St. Clair.  The conference, sponsored by the Great Lakes Commission, is a gathering of resource managers, local officials, elected representatives, citizens’ groups, business representatives, local residents and members of the news media with an interest in the Lake St. Clair watershed.

“The international community needs to marshal all of its resources to bring the needs of Lake St. Clair and the Great Lakes to the attention of Washington,” said Rep. Levin.  “Wherever you live, whatever your party affiliation—Lake St. Clair and the Great Lakes need to be sustained as the national and international treasures they are.  All stakeholders must do everything we can to return the Lakes to their original form.”

In his remarks, Congressman Levin noted that, due in part to federal, state, and local governments working in tandem with other stakeholders, water quality in Lake St. Clair has improved in recent years.  However, Rep. Levin warned, continued progress is threatened by cuts in federal funding by the Bush administration.  The Clean Water Revolving Fund is one of the most effective environmental programs ever, providing millions of dollars in low interest loans for water infrastructure projects benefiting Lake St. Clair.  However, under the Bush Administration, the program has been cut repeatedly, with Michigan’s allotment reduced 58% since 2002.  The Bush Administration’s initial 2009 budget proposes cutting Michigan’s Clean Water funding further. 

Congressman Levin noted that despite the president’s opposition, progress has been made on behalf of Lake St. Clair in Washington.  For example, Rep. Levin, Rep. Miller and Sen. Levin and Sen. Stabenow were able to have $20 million for Lake St. Clair restoration projects authorized in the Water Resources Development Act passed last year.    
The goal of the two-day Binational Lake St. Clair Conference, sponsored by the Great Lakes Commission, is to review the status of environmental management efforts in the U.S. and Canadian Lake St. Clair watershed. The focus of this year's conference is implementing restoration and protection efforts for Lake St. Clair.
