Congressman Sander Levin

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For Immediate Release
January 3, 2008
Cullen Schwarz
Office: 202.225.4961
Mobile: 202.225.0471
Local Student Excels as Capitol Hill Page and Is Asked to Return for Next Year
  Lianna Stroster of St. Clair Shores Set to Begin
 Second Semester in Highly Selective Congressional Page Program
(Washington D.C.)-  Lianna Stroster of St. Clair Shores was among a small number of students asked to return to Washington, D.C. for a second semester as a Congressional Page.  Congressional Pages study while they are in D.C. and work on the U.S. House Floor while Congress is in Session.

“My experience as a page has been challenging and extremely educational,” said Stroster.  “I have really enjoyed my classes and working on Capitol Hill, and am grateful for the opportunity to come back for a second semester.”

“It has been terrific seeing Lianna excel at her work in Congress,” said Rep. Sander Levin, who sponsored originally sponsored Stroster when she first applied for the program. “She is knowledgeable about Floor proceedings, the Members, and always has a positive upbeat attitude.  The Congressional Page Program gives high school students a first hand look at how our government operates and how federal policy is made in our nation's capital.”

Stroster, a junior, will return to school next fall for her senior year at Lake Shore High School in St. Clair Shores, where she has served as the International Diabetes Youth Ambassador, the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Advocate and president of the Junior State of America (JSA).  Stroster started her own JSA chapter at Lake Shore after attending the JSA summer school program at Princeton University.  She has also played on the soccer and basketball teams.
