Congressman Sandy Levin : Floor and Hearing Statement : Levin Statement On Petraeus Hearing
Congressman Sandy Levin


Floor & Hearing Statements

For Immediate Release
September 10, 2007
Levin Statement on Petraeus Hearing

(Washington D.C.)- U.S. Rep. Sander Levin (D-Royal Oak) statement on the appearance of General David H. Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker before a joint hearing of the U.S. House Armed Services and Foreign Affairs Committees:

“The goal of the surge was to give the Iraqi government breathing space to make the political decisions necessary to reduce the violence that is tearing Iraq apart.  There has been a failure to take even the first meaningful steps toward political reconciliation.  There needs to be a change in a policy that is not working, including the prompt start of reducing troops as part of an effort to increase pressure on Iraqi leadership to take over responsibility for their country.”




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