Congressman Sandy Levin : Floor and Hearing Statement : Levin Statement In Support Of Children's Health And Medicare Improvement Act Of 2007
Congressman Sandy Levin


Floor & Hearing Statements

For Immediate Release
August 1, 2007
Levin Statement in Support of Children's Health and Medicare Improvement Act of 2007
(Washington D.C.)-  U.S. Rep. Sander Levin (D-Royal Oak) made the following floor statement in support of the Children's Health and Medicare Improvement Act of 2007:

I rise in strong support of the Children’s Health and Medicare Improvement Act of 2007.  This legislation re-authorizes the State Children’s Health Insurance Program and improves Medicare for all beneficiaries.

Some of the issues we debate in Congress are complicated.  This issue is quite simple.  It is about kids getting health care and seniors getting better Medicare benefits.  The American people want the children of America covered by health insurance.

The current health insurance program covers 6 million children nationwide, including 55,000 kids in my home state of Michigan.  But when two-thirds of the 9 million uninsured kids in America are eligible, but not participating, we need to extend the reach of the program. Extending this program means giving states the resources they need to reach out and cover these 6 million kids.

This important legislation not only allows more kids to have health insurance, but it also makes long-needed improvements to the Medicare program.  Improvements include ensuring physician access for Medicare beneficiaries, lowering the cost of mental health care for seniors, eliminating co-pays and deductibles for preventative services like mammograms and colonoscopy screenings, and expanding programs that help low-income seniors pay for their health care and prescriptions.

The Republicans reject this bill because it does not fit their rigid ideology.  This bill is about a program that works and kids that need health care. 


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