The Journal is AMCHAM's bimonthly magazine. It usually highlights current issues in business and economy, as well as recent events, and general life in Korea. The Journal is distributed to all members free of charge, including to those not residing in Korea.

Non-Member Yearly Subscription: KRW100,000


Published in 2003 to mark the 50th anniversary of the American Chamber of Commerce in Korea, this book was commissioned to fill a gap in the known history of the American presence in Korea. Specifically, this book serves to shed light on the role that American business has played in Korea since the late 19th century, a period of time that extends well beyond the 50 years during which AMCHAM has been in existence as an organization. Provided in English, and in full color.

Fall 2003 Edition, 288 Pages
Members: KRW50,000
Non-Members: KRW100,000

Produced twice yearly in the Spring and Fall, the Membership Directory gives a complete listing of member firms and associations, as well as a pictorial listing of all individual members. A classified section lists all member companies under their category of business. Other chapters give an outline of the Chamber's aim and functions, an introduction to the Board of Governors and standing committees, and useful addresses and telephone numbers of official organizations in Seoul. The Directory is provided free of charge to all members.

Spring 2008 Edition, 376 Pages
Members: KRW32,500
Non-Members: KRW65,000
  1. Download the AMCHAM publications form.
2. Fill in the appropriate blanks on the form in ink.
3. Fax or mail the form. You may include a check or money order, or charge to your credit card.

American Chamber of Commerce in Korea
#4501 Trade Tower 159-1
Samsung-dong, Kangnam-gu
Seoul 135-729, Korea
FAX: (82-2) 564-2050
  We can now accept membership applications on-line. Invoices are sent out after your membership...