School of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences

Department of Foreign Languages & Literatures

Spanish International Studies - Heritage

Bachelor of Arts degree

Degree Requirements

I. General Education and School Requirements

52 - 62

Freshman Experience

1 credit

FLL 103Worldviews

English Composition

3-10 credits

ENGL 100 (4 cr.)
ENGL 104
ENGL 105
ENGL 108 (Accelerated First -Year Composition)

Speech Communication

3 credits

  • COM 114

Foreign Language

(French or Spanish: 12 hour sequence)

  • 101
  • 102
  • 201
  • 202

Mathematics/Statistics, Science and Computer Utilization

12 credits

  • Lab science
  • Mathematics/Statistics/Science/Computer Science/Logic
  • Mathematics/Statistics/Science/Computer Science/Logic
  • (CIS 204 is recommended)

Humanities and Social Science

21 - 24 credits

  • Psychology 120
  • Philosophy (not Logic)
  • History
  • Political Science
  • Literature (in the foreign language; fulfills foreign language requirement)
  • Sociology 100 or Anthropology
  • Economics
  • Aesthetics (A&D 255; MUS 250; ENGL 405; ENGL 286; PHIL 106; COM 343; THTR 201)
  • Foreign Language Major Requirements

II. Spanish International Studies Requirements

63 credits

A. Major in One Foreign Language

30 credits

A student may choose one approved course carrying the major foreign language or FLL prefix, but taught in English.

SPAN 306Spanish Grammar
SPAN 313Spanish for Spanish Speakers I
SPAN 515Advanced Composition
SPAN 307Commercial

Culture or Civilization (Choose one: Spain or Latin America)

FLL 390, FLL 490 – SPAN 390, SPAN 413, SPAN 451, SPAN 481, SPAN 482, SPAN 490


(A student may choose one course from Literature, Culture or Civilization, but the course may NOT have the same focus as the required Culture or Civilization )


(A student may choose any 4 elective courses from: SPAN or FLL prefix in Civilization, Culture, Literature, Special Topics, SPAN 314, SPAN 511 or FLL 464)




B. Multicultural/Multilingual Experience

6 credits

*International Educational Experience may include a study abroad (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED); an experience supervised by the department such as reports, journals, research papers, assignment requirements and proof of completion; or a supervised senior project on an international topic or a contemporary issue (3-6 credits).

FLL 490 - SPAN 408, SPAN 490

Option One:

  • 3 cr. hours *International Educational Experience approved by the department.
  • 3 cr. hours *International Educational Experience approved by the department.


Option Two:

  • 3 cr. hours *International Educational Experience approved by the department.
  • 3 cr. hrs. Practicum approved by the department.

C. Two Foreign Language courses

6 credits

These include departmental credits (issued after passing a course) and coursework in any one language taught at Purdue University Calumet or credits transferred in from another university.

D. International Focus

9 credits

Coursework with an international focus in the major or such areas as political science, management, history, economics, film, tourism, literature or another language.

E. Career Emphasis

12 credits

Advisor-approved from fields such as sociology, communication, English, supervision, computer information, management, political science, history, hospitality and tourism management, foreign languages other than the major or a combination of foreign languages/FLL courses (101 without 102 is not acceptable).

III. Electives

2-12 credits

Open Electives

Graduation Requirements

Experiential Learning

Experiential learning is a new graduation requirement for students who will be starting Purdue University Calumet in Fall 2008. This is a new approach to teaching; students go beyond theory based learning and explore ways to gain practical knowledge within their program of study. Students will enroll in two experiential learning courses while completing their degree. Experiential learning is offered through undergraduate research, internships, service learning, cooperative education, cultural immersion/study aboard, design project or practicum. Your academic advisor will assist you in selecting an experience that is right for you.

General Admissions Information

Admission to Purdue University Calumet is based on demonstrated academic quality rank factors, which includes a high school diploma or GED, meeting subject matter requirements, grade average in degree-related subjects, as well as overall grade average, trends in achievement, class rank, SAT or ACT test scores and the strength of the college preparatory program.

For information about admissions requirements, including International, Re-Entry, Inter-Campus Transfer, Re-Classification and Non-Degree Seeking please visit the Office of Admissions web site.

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