Press Release

November 15, 2007

Jennifer Kohl
202.225.4289 or 202.225.4025
Trudy Perkins
410.685.9199 or 202.225.4641

Cummings Urges Colleagues to Override President’s Veto
Labor-HHS Bill Provides Hundreds of Thousands to Maryland

Washington, DC—Congressman Elijah E. Cummings (Md-07) encouraged his colleagues in the House of Representatives to vote tonight in support of overriding President Bush’s veto of H.R. 3043, the FY 2008 Labor, Health, Human Services and Education Appropriations Bill (Labor-HHS) and support critical investments in education, health care, and vital scientific research.
“Important domestic priorities of the American people were neglected far too long under the reckless and irresponsible policies of the Republican-led Congress,” Congressman Cummings said. “This bill offers the opportunity to put every Maryland child on the path to success by providing quality health care and education.”
The bill, which was vetoed earlier this week by President Bush, increases the maximum Pell Grant, increases funding to No Child Left Behind, expands access to health care for more than 2 million uninsured Americans, and invests in life-saving medical research for the National Institutes of Health.
In addition to investing in essential national programs, the bill also provides funding to the following projects in the 7th Congressional District requested by Congressman Cummings:
  • $750,000 to the University of Maryland School of Nursing
  • $425,000 to the LifeBridge Health Computerized Physician Order Entry Initiative
  • $750,000 to the St. Agnes Hospital CARES Program for cardiac programs
  • $500,000 to the Park Heights Redevelopment Workforce Development Initiative
  • $300,000 to the Howard Community College Radiologic Technology Program
  • $225,000 to the Coppin State University School of Nursing
  • $450,000 to the International Center for Spinal Cord Injury at Kennedy Kreiger Institute
“This bill makes critical investments in the future of Maryland and the country at large,” Congressman Cummings said. “It is imperative that we overturn the President’s veto and send a clear message that Congress will no longer rubber stamp the President’s misplaced priorities in Iraq while ignoring the health care and education of our children here at home.”