Press Release

January 9, 2008

Jennifer Kohl
202.225.4289 or 202.225.4025
Trudy Perkins
410.685.9199 or 202.225.4641

Cummings Brings Secretary of U.S. Navy to Baltimore Public School

Baltimore, Md.—Congressman Elijah E. Cummings (Md.-07), Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation (CGMT), was joined today by the Honorable Donald C. Winter, U.S. Secretary of the Navy, as part of a guest lecture series initiated by the Congressman at the Maritime Industries Academy, a Baltimore public school.
“This school has always boasted an amazing group of students with a great potential to excel at any opportunity presented to them,” Congressman Cummings said. “It is my honor to be here today with the Secretary of the U.S. Navy to show these young people just how far their dreams can lead them.”
During his address, Dr. Winter highlighted the opportunities presented by a career in the U.S. Navy, ranging from a chance to travel the world to the character development resulting from the discipline and structure provided by the military. He stressed that regardless of students’ personal reasons for joining the Navy, every single future service member would find positive benefits.
“If you decide that the Navy might be something that can make a positive difference in your lives, you will be joining an organization that is dedicated to developing the potential of its people,” Dr. Winter said.
The Maritime Industries Academy was created in 2004 following the break up of Walbrook High School. Although it was given a maritime-themed name, it lacked the resources necessary to develop maritime programs and coursework. Since learning of the school during the summer of 2007, Congressman Cummings has used his capacity as Chairman of the CGMT Subcommittee to forge strong relationships between the Academy and professionals in the maritime industry.
Today’s visit is part of a guest lecture series initiated by the Congressman that has allowed students the opportunity to interact with leaders in the maritime industry—ranging from Port of Baltimore officials to representatives from private companies—and to learn more about career opportunities in the maritime field. Additionally, the Congressman has played a pivotal role in leading the effort to develop a curriculum that is being adopted from a state maritime college for use at the high school level, and he has assisted the Academy in creating a spring internship program that is in its final stages of development.
“While this school was once lacking in maritime-related programs, it has never been lacking in student initiative and motivation,” Congressman Cummings said. “I will continue my dedication to assist in creating an environment that allows the Maritime Industries Academy to live up to its name and allow these amazing students to truly flourish.”