01/09/2009 1:27PM
the 3pm show
I like the other comment really like scott.but anita is too much and needs to go .you begun step one putting her second on the bill .when her contract is up send her to florida .i am sick of her feeling about players and her whole approach.if you ask me playmakers is far better filled with objective points of view and not the homer point of view for the ravens on ever issues.how about this idea put bruce on at 3 pm and when anita is gone out scott back on with wally .i dont mean too come across anti anita i am sure she is a great person.but she can only be taken in short periods.
01/09/2009 1:19PM
Anita has a wealth of knowledge about the game but needs to dial it back a notch. She's enthusiastic but reminds me of Bob Costas when he started out;he answered his own questions and didn't leave much room for the person he was iterviewing to respond.
01/07/2009 5:19PM
I really like to listen to Scott and I really like to listen to Anita... but the two of them together is not a good mix for my ears, and I can only do it in small doeses. It sort of reminds me of the chemistry of Kornheiser and Thiesman. Some marriagesdon't work, and this seems to be one of those... Scott and the boys Great! Anita and Walley and Zinno, Great! Together... Not So Much.
01/07/2009 4:03PM
Paul Bleeds Purple
We have heard about Joe's ability to throw in wind with that big arm.If not,and the gusts are too bad-BRING THE PAIN LeRon McClain!!!
01/06/2009 11:21PM
Lose Garceau
Since this new format with Garceau and Anita.........first of all he's always gotta be the smartest in the room........I'd rather hear and or see Anita and Amber Theo 2gether at least they are knowledgeable and don't try to live in the past of the Colts ALL the time.......jdubyathree
01/06/2009 5:55PM
if flacco had to win a game without your defence the ravens wouln not even have made the playoffs.you two guys report sports like to high school kids also you hate the steller fans you have your own group of criminals at your home games that you need to address.
01/06/2009 5:47PM
Ray Must Stay with-in reason
I have been hearing all the sports pundents saying that the Ravens must keep Ray 52 Lewis at any cost. Well I say not quite. We should do what we can within reason to keep him. We should not sacrifice the franchise for him. Think back to the 96,97 seasons when he was the besat defensive player on the field. With average defensive players around him how good was our defense? Yes he is the heart and soul of our defense, but if we pay him all the money and can't keep others to support him we will STINK defensively. Lets think smart here, nough said.
01/06/2009 5:16PM
purple lights
Just heard your discussion about "purple lights." Wanted you to know that my husband finally found purple lights for our windows (to replace our Christmas candlelights)at a Georgia business -- unfortunately we won't get them until after the Titan/Raven game, but we're hopeful of a Raven win. So next week, come Tuesday, our house will light up in purple. The house and the driveway will be quite impressive. I'm so excited!!!
01/06/2009 4:52PM
I'm with you Anita
I would love to beat the Steelers in Pittsburgh,but I think easy way to Tampa is out to San Diego
01/06/2009 3:23PM
Bruce Cunningham
Bruce - lose the anchorman-esque sign-off catch phrase buddy, it's lame.
01/05/2009 2:27PM
Heinz Field
I have been to Heinz Field several times. It is bad, the ushers look the other way no matter what is going on. I do not mind dodging hurled beer bottles in the parking lot. However it was hard dodging the thrown bottles in the dark on Monday night last year.
01/05/2009 1:48PM
Anita Marks
It seems like most of the folks who listen to the station that ant- Anita Marks are mostly men. What it comes down to is they don't like having a female in sports that know here stuff. She is truly a class act and a very nice person if you meet her in person. Kudos to Anita, Spencer Falou and the rest of the gang. Love your station keep up the fantastic work. Ravenf1 & Mr. Raven
01/05/2009 1:27PM
I truly believe after the Ravens defeat of the Dolphins the Ravens are Superbowl bound. I am looking forward to the 1st game of the 2009 season when we raise the 2008 Superbowl champions flag. GO RAVENS!!! Our true rookie of the year is Joe Flacco. Ravenfn1
01/03/2009 11:10AM
bruce and vision board
i beleive i heard on radio that somewhere on your email's are the words to the "DON'T BE A JURK" STATEMENT. can you post it again. - thanks
01/02/2009 7:35AM
Go Ravens!
first of all let me say...I don't like the new time lineup..not in the car that early..and don't have a job that I can sit and listen to radio..so I miss you guys, anyway...how about RAVENOUS RETURNOUS.. Thought that was neat..wasn't mine..but thought I'd share. Baltimore 23 Miami 13...cya Pat
12/31/2008 8:01PM
Anita Marks
You Rock!!! Look forward to hearing from you. Keep up the specular work. GO RAVENS!!! Ravenfn1 & Mr. Raven
12/31/2008 7:51PM
Go Ravens
We feel that the Ravens will go all the way and we are looking forward to next seasons first home game when the Superbowl flag will be hung. Ravenfn1 & Mr. Raven
12/31/2008 5:14PM
New Fan or the Fan
Hey thanks 105.7 for bringing a great lineup. I am glad to see that you finally have a home and have stopped changing formats and on-air talent. Please keep this format. Thanks Eric a new fan
12/31/2008 3:18PM
Baltimore overlooked by the NFL
Well he we go again baltimore over looked again by Joe Flacco receiving no votes for Rookie of the Year, I guess along with the museum we have to build to put our super bowl trophy in, we will have to build Joe a Rookie of the Year trophy. Or better yet we will put another super bowl trophy in it.
12/31/2008 1:20PM
Play offs
we have to goto Steelers before Titans.
12/31/2008 1:18PM
play offs
we have to goto Steelers before Titans.
12/30/2008 9:58PM
Ravens seem to be a very very hungry team that has a swager right now. If your going to out on a limb might as well go all the way. Here is how I see it. Ravens 33 Miami 14 Ravens 28 Titans 21 Ravens 17 Steelers 14 Ravens 38 Carolina 21 Super Bowl MVP Ed Reed
12/30/2008 9:02PM
Way to go Maynard
Maynard seems to be filling Eddie's big shoes just fine. I'm certainly enjoying....
12/30/2008 1:09PM
We all knew Ryan was preordained by the press to win it and he has had a great Rookie season, but NOT ONE VOTE for Joe Flacco who has similar numbers against vastly superior defenses????? watta joke.
12/30/2008 11:17AM
Most Annoying Commercial
How many times a day do you have to run the commercial about the web and pockets being a fad. I've gotten so that I turn off the sound the minute it comes on. It isn't clever or funny just annoying. Get a new commercial, mix it up a little!
12/29/2008 9:59AM
Football Title
You got Flocked up! or You got knocked the Flock out!
12/29/2008 9:29AM
Bring it was used already for a Baltimore Football shirt ...
12/24/2008 12:57AM
Yankees = idiots
too much $ for 1 player...what has overspending gotten them recently. O's are right follow the Rays plan not the pinhead...er..stripes way.
12/23/2008 2:13PM
5 good reasons to pay Ray Lewis
Five good reasons to pay Ray Lewis: 1. If you asked any owner if they would pay 75 million dollars to be guaranteed to have a top 3 defense for the next ten years, would they %u201Cyes%u201D or %u201Cno?%u201D 2. If Ray Lewis was not on the Ravens team for the last 13 years, would they be a perennial top 3 defense? 3. If Ray Lewis did not play this year, would the Ravens be playing for a playoff game this Sunday? 4. If Ray Lewis is not on this team next year, will the defense be in the top 5? Top ten? 5. If you asked any coach if there was one defensive player that they wish they could have had over the last 13 years, who do you think they would choose? Based on my answers to these questions, it appears to me that the Ravens owe Ray Lewis back pay. I believe that this particular case is extremely rare and completely unique. In assessing what Ray Lewis is currently worth as a linebacker, in this extremely rare case, one must also consider the fact that he has been solely responsible for what is now, and will surely continue to be, a Ravens tradition and mindset that settles for nothing less than excellence when it comes to defense. If Ray Lewis wants 25 million dollars for the next three years, give it to him, thank him for his service, and be glad that the Pittsburgh Steelers did not have him on their team for the last 13 years. Gerald in Mt. Vernon
12/23/2008 1:06PM
Today 1p.m. I will stop listening to the Fan until Texiera sings a contract, honestly I'm sick of hearing his name.
12/23/2008 12:01PM
Any given Sunday! We need to focus on Jacksonville or they'll trap us. Beat Jacksonville. They've always played tough in Baltimore.
12/23/2008 9:56AM
Monday Mornings
I like the Ed Norris show for the most part, but, Monday mornings would be a lot more fun if the talk was about that weekends game. Ravens aren't covered in the media enough to get my fix. I can't always listen at work. I have to wait till my ride hometo revel or commiserate with fellow fans. I think a sports station called the fan should be about sports come Monday mornings.
12/22/2008 1:26PM
Joshua, Baltimore
Hey Ken, which one do you like better, Joe Flacco playing better on the road than at home, or the fact we don't have to see Michael Phelps every quarter?
12/22/2008 2:51AM
Just got back in town and turned your station on for THE FAN SHOW what the hell happened to my show? I heard it one week and then........who int the hell is your program director? Is his head up A$$? You guys are terrible! what kinda programs are you puttin out? I got stuck listening to this Loser this sunday for what? You get toss out a great show for a washed up lawyer? and besides that with the economic times and everyone needs a good laugh when people are loosing thier jobs and life is in the toilet. oh great we have to listen to this wind bag on sunday. wish your station all the luck YOU NEED IT! GOOD BYE AND NEVER TO RETURN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12/21/2008 9:08AM
Shame on you
All of you bet against the Ravens to win in Dallas. What kind of Balt. talk show are you.Please go back to New York or Pitts. If your scared say your scared.
12/19/2008 4:48PM
Frank Walker needs to learn how to take away slant route
I know that fabien washington's injury caused rex ryan to play a 5under 2 deep zone vs steelers but Frank walker needed to come up tight and play the inside shoulder of the reciever. this would have stopped the slant route, given walker a larger target to chuck with the receiver having to turn outside and walker could have run him to the sideline and used it as the 12th defender. The Steeler q-back would have had to drop it in over the outside shopulder for a completion not throw a uncontested slant route. i know at the pro level these guys are suppose to know this. maybe Walker should spend more time on technique and a little less on making a big deal of making a tackle
12/18/2008 10:27AM
taking Viv's advice
I no longer listen to you on radio or TV.....nie job blowing off your listeners!!
12/17/2008 4:14PM
sex via internet
I just started to enjoy the radio program till the hosts seems to promote internet sex and womanizing ... I guess this radio program is not for married men
12/17/2008 2:38PM
O's need Teixiera
If O's don't get Teixiera it will be the end of Baltimore O's the way we know it. All the players we have now that are stars and future ones will leave the team. What will be left on the team? The next Pittsburgh team that has no chance in our life time if at all! It will show that the owner must go! What was the last time he did something right for team? This is the time to put up or get out of the way so that Cal or some baseball guy can bring back the O's. Rays were so bad for years and lucky got the right players in the last seven years draft. We had 10 years of losing and seems be many more years coming up. Who wants to wait 20 years if that, some of us may not be around to injoy it! Do what is needed now or get out of the way (owner). Daniel
12/17/2008 12:26PM
No More Anita Marks!
Anita Marks is horrible. Talk about a piss-poor performance. I stopped listening at 3pm over a year ago. She is an insult to Baltimore sports fans.
12/16/2008 6:07PM
Don't forget about the third down
It is so clear to anyone that there was no where near enough evidence to overturn the call on the field regarding the touchdown. What boggles my mind is the first down the Stealers were given in the third quarter. It was painfully obvious that they didn't get close to the down marker and yet then the ref said there wasn't enough evidence to overturn it?!? Man I am so mad and confused!
12/16/2008 3:30PM
Ravens fans
Y'all Amaze me. I am a Steeler fan and while I live in B'more, I'm from VA and have been a lifelong Steeler fan. I have more faith in the Ravens than their own fan. I am very conccerned that the Ravens will win out and get into the playoffs and I for one, doo NOT want to face them for the third time. I am convinced that right now, the Ravens have too much of a chip on their shoulder to meet them again in the playoffs. I do not want to see them again til next year. However, I believe the Ravens will beat the Cowboys because Rex Ryan will shake Tony Romo which will cause him to make mistakes and he is NOT Tom Brady as much as the talking heads want him to be. He cannot lead his team to a last minute 4th qtr. win. The Ravens will make it to the playoffs and be a real problem and I am AMAZED that so many Ravens fans are thinking about next year.
12/15/2008 5:35PM
For Anita
he NFL is backing referee Walt Coleman's decision to overturn a call on the field and rule Santonio Holmes' catch a touchdown that gave the Steelers a 13-9 victory at Baltimore yesterday. Coleman's officiating crew ruled that Holmes did not get into the end zone when he caught Ben Roethlisberger's pass from the Ravens' four with 43 seconds left. However, after viewing it on replay, Coleman overturned the call and signaled a touchdown. "Walt Coleman determined via high-def video review that the receiver had possession and two feet down with the ball in the goal line, meaning it broke the plane,'' an NFL spokesman said via e-mail. The spokesman said Mike Pereira, the NFL's vice president of officiating, backed the Coleman ruling after replay. Coleman explained after the game that Holmes "had two feet down and completed the catch with control of the ball breaking the plane of the goal line." By rule, his feet did not have to be down, however, when the ball crossed the goal line -- he had to be in possession of the ball when it broke the plane of the goal line and then, to complete the play, his feet had to touch the ground. "When he gained control of the ball,'' Coleman said, "the ball was breaking the plane and then he fell into the field of play."
12/15/2008 11:46AM
Cam Cameron...boring!!
Cam Cameron played scared!! And the offense was so boring...similar to the 1057 line-up these days...Can you give Anita her show back with Jeremy? At least it was entertaining...Scott Garceau seems like such a nice man but he's everywhere for my entire life...Monday morning, pre and post game, on tv, everyday from 3-7 interrupting Anita and hogging the interviews and show...Can we try a little something different?? Anyone into something new and refreshing? Give Anita back her show!!
12/15/2008 11:00AM
Tired of Sports
Please bring back the news talk... sick of the sports. Everywhere I turn, it's sports on the radio these days, and as a non-local, I could care less about the Ravens. I'm so sick of hearing crap about my Steelers I've had to avoid everything down here. The only show left I like is Ed Norris. If it weren't for that show, I'd never listen to you anymore! Even then, I can barely bring myself to listen to Ed, though I love his show... simply b/c it's nigh on impossible to support this station!
12/14/2008 12:39PM
You'll see ugly today.
NO Pretty women in PIttsburgh. Will show you ugly today. Go Steelers! Steeltown girls rock
12/12/2008 11:38AM
I dont want stealer fans in our stadium, and I dont care if they dont like our station 1057 rocks!
12/11/2008 9:24PM
Poor sportsmanship
Listening to your radio station tonight will be my last! I am so tired of the way you talk about other teams. I know your in Baltimore so your going to root for the Ravens. But I however do not root for home teams. I am a Pittsburgh fan but that is not the point. The point of this is the BS that you talked tonight wishing players of the Steelers to get injured. That is such lousy broadcasting! It's one thing to root and sponsor your team but to talk trash like that and wish harm on other teams is horrible. I hope the Steelers beat the Ravens so you can stick that in ur mouth!!!!!!!!! This isn't the first time I have been disappointed in the way people spoke on 105.7. Needless to say I'm done with your station! Thank god for satellite cause radio sucks anymore. I hope you get cancelled!!!
12/11/2008 10:42AM
Save Scott
Scott Garceau is a Baltimore sports icon and he needs to be saved from constantly apologizing for his unprofessional partner. He spends valuable time correcting her like a little school girl the way she acts sometimes. That is why I have stopped listening to your station at 3pm. Jim
12/10/2008 2:54PM
Anita Complaint
I checked in to complain about Anita. Whats up with all this The Fan show BS I guess I listen to complain about that show next week Get ready for a radio bail out with your lineup you guys are hover uprights on the FM dial
12/10/2008 11:57AM
I just want to Apologize for my excitement, and I am Truly Sorry. Please forgive me, I can't even recall the profanity. MARGARET
12/10/2008 11:36AM
Best RB debate is foolish
It is a poorly phrased question. It is about skill sets and what works vs a given opponents defensive scheme. All 3 rb's bring something different to the table and will be used accordingly as the season progresses.
12/10/2008 10:28AM
George Ried Fife Scotland UK
We listen to kitchen and bath show from acoss the muddy pond.We like your American Football and the Ravens, I hear the next show will be with the bloody Steelers. The next Fan Show should be a fun show.Thanks for giving the show a new time and name. It;sfun to have all 22 of us scot's around the computer! aye George
12/09/2008 4:22PM
MdGahee Madness
ENOUGH ALREADY! Willis McGahee is a professional quality running back who at this point in his career is nothing more and maybe a little less. He's on the team. Right now, the team needs him. Hopefully, he's not washed up. Why is this taking up so much talk? I've seldom heard any topic even scandals like Raphael Palmeiro's steroids get so much chitter-chatter. He's not that big of a deal. PERIOD!
12/09/2008 1:02PM
Youguys do a great job, but you need to increase your broadcast range! We can't get you in Northern MD and Southern PA!
12/09/2008 12:48PM
The fan show
Thanks I am going to the SLY FOX GO Redskins GO Steelers Thanks for a voice there are other people who live in Baltimore Good Play 105.7
12/09/2008 11:54AM
the history of the pitts. stealers,1933-1970 no playoff wins .The age of the70's four steriod soperbowl wins and half of them are dead due to the illegal drugs The fifth was referee gift due to bettis returning to Detriot Thats 5 rings in76 years . thanks kash
12/09/2008 11:16AM
Clean the Airwaves
I was so pleased to listen to the new format except for 1 problem. This problem exists on MASN starting at 3pm also. Anita Marks has to be taken off Baltimore radio. She is from Fla and her constant defending of certain players from Miami, namely Willis McGahee is the reason I turn the station at 3pm. She refuses to listen to people's opinion without arguing with callers.
12/08/2008 5:08PM
terps game -redskins
the redskins player announced at the game was clinton portis at the md game vs michigan. the ravens fans in the stands booed - jimmy (canton)
12/08/2008 3:53PM
Jason Mitchell
Scott is great but Please get rid of Anita Marks. Terrible. Put her on the grave yard shift.
12/08/2008 1:34PM
she's all wrong in so many way, bit the real reason she doesn't connect is because she's just not entertaining. She doesn't have that acerbic dry wit like all us ex jocks familiar with locker room banter have. She often tries but it always comes out like that chick humor we only laugh at cause we want a piece. She also offers nothing in the way of deep thinking which other hosts have to counterbalance the wit thing. All in all very painful to listen to. It's a shame because Rock K. seems to have a great reporte with scott and should be used more.
12/07/2008 7:33PM
12/07/2008 2:26PM
Sun comments
Anyone catch the comments by Anita in the Sun on 12/5? She says she was not demoted. Yeah right. If she is given another contract by this station, I will campaign to all your advertisers to stop wasting their money. How could anyone be her agent? I have never witnessed so many negative comments about a host on a website. I know management will do the right thing by not renewing her contract. In fact, I would terminate anyone involved in her initial hiring. Those people need rehab or something. In closing, it is quite obvious that Garceau can't stand her either.
12/06/2008 8:38AM
Redskins / Raven Rivalry
There is no rivalry, except in the minds of Baltimorians. Redskin fans view you guys as the "B" team. We cheer for ou when our team isn't involved. I can't understand why Raven fans spend so much time and effort hating on the Redskins. We don't think of you guys one bit. We don't play that often so maybe you should concentrate your efforts towards the Steelers, Browns and Bengals. Get over us in DC!!!
12/05/2008 12:16PM
People are stupid
Actually WFAN in New York City was Imus in the AM and Sports all day. They seemed to do OK. So not only in Ballmer genius
12/04/2008 1:50PM
Ed Norris????
Let's launch a sports station called The Fan and since we have nowhere else to stick a former public official who abused his office, let's make him the morning guy even though he doesn't talk about sports. Only in Ballmer.
12/04/2008 12:29PM
Hunk of the Day please?
We can have a babe of the day but no hunk of the day. Certainly, none of your line up offer us eye candy! Believe it or not, women do check this website out. GIVE US A HUNK!
12/04/2008 11:52AM
Lose the Babe of the Day
This is so insulting to your female listeners! Or maybe add a Dude of the Day for our enjoyment.
12/04/2008 10:05AM
whats wrong with her? It takes a long time for her to make a point because she has that weird "um" thing thing going on like she's being squeezed! very hard to listen to!! who paired these two up anyway? what a mistake. No bonding whatsoever
12/03/2008 9:45PM
Love This Station
Mark and the Bulldog are great. Bruce is the man. Scott Garceau you poor bastard. Turn her mic off, stick her in the corner for every time she says something stupid or irrelevant. She's not qualified to get your coffee. Jeremy's pretty good.
12/03/2008 12:14PM
Second that
I agree about the Anita Marks she needs to go. I have heard her admit to not even being a fan of the Baltimore teams.... why are you on this station then... She has a lot of uninformed comments... I am just happy that they got rid of that clip about howshe has played the game so she can talk about it. What a load that was.
12/03/2008 10:53AM
FM clarity for a Baltimore Sports Fan in the DMZ(That area of fuzzy AM reception in Southern Howard{Herd Canny}, Western Anne Arundel {AnnRundle Canny for dem locals} and Northern Prince George's Counties (Peegee Canny)is a Godsend! My daily drive used to be modified and based of receiving a solid AM signal, now, I can drive anywhere and still get my Mark and Bulldog fix like the "dope" fiend sports junkie I am. I'm overjoyed with Scott Garceau's pairing with Anita and Bruce Cunningham bridging the midday gap. However, If you could find a way to get Jeremy Conn more primetime airtime... He's #2 on my list behind The Bulldog!!! The dude know his, well, you know...
12/02/2008 3:02PM
Garceau & Marks
I can listen to anyone on this station except Anita Marks. She gives women sports fans a bad name. She goes on and on about players like she did yesterday about Willis McGahee and how she couldn't stand on the sidelines and keep her mouth shut. Her statistics are usually inaccurate and she is usually wrong. Please do all of us in Baltimore a favor and lose her. She is not an addition to your station.
12/02/2008 11:37AM
Sheesh, There is no intrigue here. Willis has not been healthy and Rice & McClain have filled the spot well. That's all! Willis will contribute during the stretch run and in the playoffs.
12/02/2008 11:34AM
Troy vs Joe?
There is no Troy vs Joe. Troy missed his chance (bad luck) and Flacco is our QB. Look forward to ten years of solid play at the qb spot...finally!
12/01/2008 3:44PM
Willis & Anita
Anita, Are you dating Willis or something. You have no clue what are talking about. Obviously John Harbuagh knows more than you about the players. Willis is a bad apple. Period. He wasn't with the program, played out of shape, and is not a team play to most other than you. You continue to lose credibility when you talk about Willis the way you do. The Ravnes have a better offense then they ever had. Obviously the coaches know what they are doing. If the Ravens were losing I would understand but they are winning. Stop making excuses for him. Howard Block
11/30/2008 5:36PM
How Much Longer
Anita Marks is absolutely terrible. All of Baltimore knows this and you guys keep her on the air. I turn your station off from 3-6 and can not listen to the gameday show. Will you all post this comment or continue to protect a bad decision. Kevin M.
11/29/2008 11:45PM
hockey coverage
your hockey coverage is horrible.Just because we don't have a team doesn't mean that there are no hockey fans here.It wouldn't hurt to have maybe a half hour segment every hour or two.I don't even hear scores or anything hockey related.You say you are sports radio,well-prove it!We are close enough to DC to have Cap fans here.I also noticed that your shows between 10 and 6 usually have the same topics and information.I know I can tune in at any time and hear the same show I heard 4 hours ago.Please let's have some hockey!
11/26/2008 8:07PM
troy vs joe
hello i was listening to the radio when you guys said troy was a good back up, that was a very wrong statement joe has only been average, has not did nothing impressive from my sight, troy has not had a fair opertunity at all he started last two games last year with billick calling plays, joe has not, troy came from a big program osu and has a heisman to prove his is a outstanding qb and has more athletics than joe and last year he played with all starters out except mason so those quick to judge should compare what troy was working with billick and second string which he took out the steelers, joe with cameron and all starters, not fair and besides joe has not lead us to wins with teams with winning records from what i see joe can be compared to dilfer, average with no big constant turnovers so in my eyes are best talent qb is on the bench, waiting for a fair oppertunity,with new play calls and all starters. . it shouldnt be whacco for flacco it should be whacco forcam cameron, for showing us finally some good play calls.
11/26/2008 1:54PM
New drinking game
Take a drink everytime Anita says "um", "like", or "I mean," or says the same thing twice in a row. It hurts my ears. The only reason to listen to this show is Scott is so darn good. Can we please help her with this. Not sure how much longer I can listen otherwise.
11/23/2008 7:12AM
is tremendous. Put some tape on Marks's mouth.
11/21/2008 3:04PM
Anita Marks has no knowledge. The rest of the lineup is nice.
11/21/2008 9:57AM
11/21/2008 1:03AM
scott and anita
what a boring show. Anita's voice is hard ont he ears and she has an annoying squelch like she's being squeezed every time she tries to make her point. So annoying! And Scott needs to show some !#%&* passion. He sounds like he should be doing a fishingshow on NPR! Guys get some talent in there please!
11/20/2008 7:54AM
I love listening to the station,especially playmakers. I think a sports station, however should be entirely sports.Norris has a good show but does not belong here. To fiil the slot, try t get Rob Long from your competitor, He also has a great show and in my opinion makes that station. He is in touch with all the local events including high school and local college athletics. Anyway, so far so good but get rid of Norris, he's good but doesn't belong....
11/20/2008 1:25AM
ravens fans
I think it would be nice if we had something at the game that the raven fans could wave around too show are support to are team. i think some purple hand clapers would be nice and they would make alot of noise
11/19/2008 8:31AM
ed norris question
in regards to the auto bailout....if everyone decided they hate McDonalds, and they all had to close that would be a lot of jobs lost....would we bail them out?
11/18/2008 3:30PM
whats the update on the baltimore arena .Is there a chance that maybe just maybay that NHL or NBA going to come to Baltimore it sure would be great instead of going to washington Baltimore is much better city
11/18/2008 1:43PM
Scott might be the best locally on radio since Jim Karvellas. On the other hand Anita has to go.
11/18/2008 1:42PM
Norris is ok ,but it would be great to wake to a sports show
11/17/2008 10:02PM
is so good that he can carry Marks-and that aint easy
11/17/2008 6:37PM
a fan
Ed norris is not working for a sports fan You got to be kinding with him Your headline with Scott Garceau is killing a good thing with Anita Marks He talk over her and discredits her he talks way to much He is also a bit uninteresting with his commenst and insights He is a homer and way to much of one the best thing about the last show on 1300 was they talked sports and national and Balt Dont have it balnaced yet and as well as you have way to many breaks and ads I hear way more ads than sports talk its a waste of my time to isten is anyomre Dont like what your doing right now in the 3pm to 6pm time frame
11/17/2008 5:59PM
orioles away uniforms
has anyone else noticed that the name is spelled baltinore on the jersey...its in cursive so the m is actually a n....opps
11/12/2008 5:45PM
Anita Marks
I've been listening to sports talk my entire life, from Florida to B-more. Got no problem with Anita, she knows her sports and I respect that. The station is new and will need time to grow but I love the idea. Keep up the good work.
11/12/2008 3:30PM
The Fan is Great
I am a die-hard Baltimore Sports Fan and I have waited so long to have an FM local sports talk station and its finally here. I love it and all the DJs, keep it going this is truly a treat for Baltimore Sports Fans
11/12/2008 10:36AM
O's new road uniforms
why are there so many fans saying that the current owners are responsible for "Orioles" on the front of the road uniforms? Why can't the show's host correct them each time they spread that ignorance?
11/12/2008 10:04AM
The shows cut out fairly regularly while trying to listen online. It is frustrating comsidering it rarely happens listening to 1300 online. Please work on the network!
11/11/2008 2:33PM
Anita Marks
I have tried really hard to listen to the new show in the afternoon...I was a huge Ed Norris fan. Anita Marks is the most opinionated nasty woman I have ever listened to. I have had to turn the show off every single time I have listened because she makes my blood boil. Please put Ed back in the afternoon.
11/11/2008 8:16AM
Morning show
I recently discovered the station, and started listening regularly, but I'm done as fast as I started. Listening to the morning show defend gay marriage for two days in a row has ended what I thought was going to turn out to be a good thing for my morning commute.
11/10/2008 8:29PM
Brian Roberts segment
PLEASE put the weekly Brian Roberts segments with Anita Marks on podcasts like her old station did! I can never listen to Brian live because of my job but I really look forward to being able to hear his commentary on the latest sports news after the fact. Thank you!
11/10/2008 4:53PM
The Panthers and the Bucs really dont deserve playoff spots. The Falcons deserve it more. Also, the Ravens should make a DEEP RUN INTO THE PLAYOFFS BABY!!
11/10/2008 11:13AM
It's fun to watch the Ravens this year.We actually have an offense.lou
11/10/2008 8:01AM
Good Idea: Needs Work
ESPN-1300 had about the power of an old flashlight so the move to FM with some heavy hitters like Bruce Cunningham and Scott Garceau is most welcome. However, the overall product 1057 package looks rushed on to the airwaves. I HATE THE JINGLES PACKAGE. THIS ISN'T AN OCEAN CITY HITS RADIO STATION!!!
11/09/2008 8:08PM
joe kool!!
its nice to have a franchise qb we can build an ofence 4 years to come. we r seein it happen right now.
11/09/2008 7:31PM
can't you say RAVENS?
11/09/2008 11:35AM
Home Improvement & Steelers
That Was the Best finally a voice for the steeler nation
11/08/2008 12:19PM
great idea, needs better execution
I love the idea of this staion, but the line-up needs serious work. There are a handful of sports hosts in town, open up your wallets and go get them from the competition. At least get Aaron Wilson for Bruce, he is floundering without him. I'll keep checking in to see where this goes!
11/07/2008 6:44AM
Amber Theoharis
Where is she? Is she still with the radio station?
11/06/2008 2:25PM
Bruce, What is the latest on a new/rebuilt Arena? I grew up in Baltimore but now live in Shrewsbury and support the Hershey Bears of the AHL. Once you see hockey live you love it. Your thoughts please. Kevin
11/06/2008 10:44AM
baltimore mariners
will you guys have any info on the baltimore mariners indoor football
11/05/2008 12:39PM
Sorry Baltimore
I am a life long Baltimore Sports fan from Bmore that moved to Houston. I will be going to the game this weekend against the Texans. I am going with the Mrs. and she is making me wear a Texans shirt. It was either that or no home cooking / lovin for the week. I chose the cookin and lovinbut I still be cheering for the boys in purple.
11/05/2008 11:50AM
Anita Marks
How can she still have a job? Team Scott with Tom Davis or Phil Wood. She might be easy on the eyes but God knows she's hard on the ears.
11/05/2008 10:58AM
Great Move
Tone Anita down First step in getting her out of this town
11/05/2008 10:33AM
great job
11/05/2008 10:32AM
What happened to the station?
I uses to like listening to this station but now I can only stand it for about 15 minutes. How much sports can one man take? If you want that much go watch sportscenter. Bring back the old format!!
10/31/2008 11:40PM
105.7 The FAN Feedback
Welcome to Baltimore's NEW SPORTS LEADER-105.7 The FAN