[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 14, Volume 2]
[Revised as of January 1, 2007]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 14CFR91.875]

[Page 578-579]
                     TITLE 14--AERONAUTICS AND SPACE
                    Subpart I_Operating Noise Limits
Sec.  91.875  Annual progress reports.

    (a) Each operator subject to Sec.  91.865 or Sec.  91.867 of this 
chapter shall submit an annual report to the FAA, Office of Environment 
and Energy, on the progress it has made toward complying with the 
requirements of that section. Such reports shall be submitted no later 
than 45 days after the end of a calendar year. All progress reports must 
provide the information through the end of the calendar year, be 
certified by the operator as true and complete (under penalty of 18 
U.S.C. 1001), and include the following information:
    (1) The name and address of the operator;
    (2) The name, title, and telephone number of the person designated 
by the operator to be responsible for ensuring the accuracy of the 
information in the report;
    (3) The operator's progress during the reporting period toward 
compliance with the requirements of Sec.  91.853, Sec.  91.865 or Sec.  
91.867. For airplanes on U.S. operations specifications, each operator 
shall identify the airplanes by type, model, series, and serial number.
    (i) Each Stage 2 airplane added or removed from operation or U.S. 
operations specifications (grouped separately by those airplanes 
acquired with and without base level);
    (ii) Each Stage 2 airplane modified to Stage 3 noise levels 
(identifying the manufacturer and model of noise abatement retrofit 
    (iii) Each Stage 3 airplane on U.S. operations specifications as of 
the last day of the reporting period; and
    (iv) For each Stage 2 airplane transferred or acquired, the name and 
address of the recipient or transferor; and, if base level was 
transferred, the person to or from whom base level was transferred or 
acquired pursuant to Section 91.863 along with the effective

[[Page 579]]

date of each base level transaction, and the type of base level 
transferred or acquired.
    (b) Each operator subject to Sec.  91.865 or Sec.  91.867 of this 
chapter shall submit an initial progress report covering the period from 
January 1, 1990, through December 31, 1991, and provide:
    (1) For each operator subject to Sec.  91.865:
    (i) The date used to establish its base level pursuant to Sec.  
91.861(a); and
    (ii) A list of those Stage 2 airplanes (by type, model, series and 
serial number) in its base level, including adjustments made pursuant to 
Sec.  91.861 after the date its base level was established.
    (2) For each U.S. operator:
    (i) A plan to meet the compliance schedules in Sec.  91.865 or Sec.  
91.867 and the final compliance date of Sec.  91.853, including the 
schedule for delivery of replacement Stage 3 airplanes or the 
installation of noise abatement retrofit equipment; and
    (ii) A separate list (by type, model, series, and serial number) of 
those airplanes included in the operator's base level, pursuant to Sec.  
91.861(a)(1) (i) and (ii), under the categories ``returned'' or 
``purchased,'' along with the date each was added to its operations 
    (c) Each operator subject to Sec.  91.865 or Sec.  91.867 of this 
chapter shall submit subsequent annual progress reports covering the 
calendar year preceding the report and including any changes in the 
information provided in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section; 
including the use of any carry-forward credits pursuant to Sec.  91.869.
    (d) An operator may request, in any report, that specific planning 
data be considered proprietary.
    (e) If an operator's actions during any reporting period cause it to 
achieve compliance with Sec.  91.853, the report should include a 
statement to that effect. Further progress reports are not required 
unless there is any change in the information reported pursuant to 
paragraph (a) of this section.
    (f) For each U.S. operator subject to Sec.  91.865, progress reports 
submitted for calendar years 1994, 1996, and 1998, shall also state how 
the operator achieved compliance with the requirements of that section, 
    (1) By reducing the number of Stage 2 airplanes in its fleet to no 
more than the maximum permitted percentage of its base level under Sec.  
91.865(b), or
    (2) By operating a fleet that consists of at least the minimum 
required percentage of Stage 3 airplanes under Sec.  91.865(d).

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 

[Doc. No. 26433, 56 FR 48660, Sept. 25, 1991; 56 FR 51168, Oct. 10, 
1991, as amended by 57 FR 5977, Feb. 19, 1992]