Los Alamos National Laboratory
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Laboratory Operations

The key to maximizing the Laboratory’s capability to serve the nation is the continuous improvement in both quality and efficiency of our operations. Given the budget constraints that we expect to continue over the next few years, our challenge is great, but so is our opportunity.

By integrating quality operations with science and technology for mission execution, we can ensure that LANL continues to be a great national security science laboratory, committed to meeting the near-term and long-term needs of the nation.

LANL’s approach to improvement in operations focuses on safety, security, facility infrastructure, project management, and business operations.


The Laboratory’s goal is zero accidents, achievable by taking personal responsibility and by focusing on integrated safety management, coupled with effective tools, processes, and experts. Our safety organizations support and enable mission accomplishment.


The Laboratory adopts a zero-incident security philosophy and continues to emphasize the integration of security throughout the Lab. Our efforts include reducing and consolidating the inventory of special nuclear materials, pursuing technological approaches to offset the need for additional staffing, reducing classified removable electronic media, and accelerating the completion of the Red Network.

Facility Infrastructure

The Laboratory is renewing the quality of site facilities to carry out our mission. Our actions flow from a strategic, institutional plan that looks ahead 10 to 15 years. Our near-term objectives include reducing total space, allowing us to reinvest in retained facilities or perhaps even new ones.

Project Management

Budget and mission constraints necessitate that projects across the complex are accomplished within budget and on schedule. The Laboratory has committed to sound project management practices using performance measurement tools and deployed experts to support every program on site.

Business Operations

The Laboratory is dedicated to providing excellent business services to support and enable mission accomplishment in the areas of human resources, financial services, procurement, the Enterprise Project, and the Contractor Assurance System.


Operated by Los Alamos National Security, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy's NNSA

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