
“If” is the beginning of every vision, the first glimmer of a new possibility, a step to reverse the past, an opportunity to realize potential. It’s hope for a better world. At the National Safety Council, we believe it’s possible to educate and influence people to prevent accidental injury and death in communities across America.


You are safety’s frontline person — living out that commitment each day, engaging in a life-saving work. You are the grassroots movement for safety. We know you can have a great impact on NSC’s vital, life-saving work.


A friend’s death in a car crash, the fall of an elder loved one, the tragedy of a prescription overdose — when it hits home, we all care. Your concern will make a difference, making the world safer with your generous support.


With tested and proven solutions, and with a determination to realize significant goals, our Emergency Care, Defensive Driving, Workplace Safety, and other programs are changing our country’s safety culture. It starts with a vision.


It also requires a plan. We believe we can:

  • Remove drunk drivers from the road
  • Reduce senior falls
  • Wipe out accidental prescription overdose
  • Beat the statistics linked to injuries at work
  • Halt the increase in distracted drivers

Care to join us?

The growing safety challenges we face, require significant funding. We are asking you to lead the way. Your gift moves us towards a smarter, safer America. Thousands of lives will be saved because you gave.

Contact us about memorial and tribute donations, planned giving, or naming opportunities. Also learn about our Friends of Safety program, which provides a voice for advocacy on safety issues.
Request more information

If you would prefer to support the National Safety Council and its mission by providing your donation in the form of a check, please mail to:

National Safety Council
Development Office
1121 Spring Lake Drive
Itasca, IL 60143-3201