(IDA) International Dyslexia Association LOGO
Promoting Literacy Through Research, Education and Advocacy Promoting Literacy Through Research, Education and Advocacy

IDA Supports Research in the Field

The scientific diversity of researchers doing work related to dyslexia has broadened during the last few years and, therefore, relevant information is being generated from a wide spectrum of research areas.

Research reports on dyslexia are now being published from fields such as linguistics, education, genetics, neuroanatomy, and visual and auditory processing. Thus, we are quickly learning more about phonological processing in dyslexics; the etiology including genetic basis of differences in dyslexics in multiple neural systems involved in information processing.

IDA is an active participant in the support of research related to developmental dyslexia. One primary goal of IDA is to foster multidisciplinary research projects on dyslexia so that we can learn more about etiology, neural differences, early detection methods, and the value of simultaneous multisensory structured education approaches. Ultimately, we want to foster methods that enable dyslexic children to learn as efficiently as possible.

The International Dyslexia Association granted $30,000 through our General Research Grant Program in 2006. Award winners were:

Dr. Marie Cheour, University of Miami Coral Gables, Florida, $20,000,
for the project entitled:  Early Intervention for Infants at Risk for Dyslexia 

Dr. Haiying Meng, Yale Child Health Research Center, New Haven, CT, $10,000, 
for the project entitled:  A Deletion in Intron 2 of DCDC2 Gene Regulates Protein Expression in Developmental Dyslexics

View prior year Grant recipients 

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