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22:19:12 EDT    Saturday, Nov 08, 2008     

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Safety Culture

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New! Traffic Safety Culture Blog - Current thoughts by AAA Foundation CEO Peter Kissinger.

New! U.S. Safety and Mobility Crisis Looms for Aging Baby Boomers

AAA Foundation’s United States Road Assessment Program Expands

2008 Traffic Safety Culture Index - Nearly 10% of American motorists admit to driving drunk within the past month.

Traffic Safety Culture Index Report Cover

Traffic Safety Culture in the United States: Research Update - How many people die in traffic crashes? Survey says…“I don’t know.”

Safety Culture Report: Download the full compendium (PDF: 2.8 MB, 388 pages) or the summary and synthesis (PDF: 366 KB).

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Driving Safety CatalogCheck out our most popular DVDs, now at lower prices.

Also includes the new Driver-ZED and Teaching Your Teens to Drive Bundle for only $39.95!

Medical Fitness to Drive Report Cover New! A Missouri state law helps prevent unsafe drivers from continuing to drive and could serve as a model law for the rest of the country.

Use of Advanced In-Vehicle Technology by Younger and Older Early Adopters

Introducing the New AAA Foundation Centers of Excellence: four traffic safety areas upon which the Foundation is especially focused: Teens, Seniors, U.S. Road Assessment, and Safety Culutre. Please visit the website!

Centers of Excellence

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