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Change your couch potato ways!
January is the month for resolutions, so why not resolve to get off the couch and get active in 2009! Start with this easy exercise routine that doesn't even require you to move far from your sofa. You'll soon be looking and feeling better and healthier. What a way to start the year!
Read the story>>


Recent News

The latest from the annual American College of Rheumatology/ Arthritis-Related Healthcare Professionals Scientific Meeting:

Rheumatoid Arthritis Rates Rising in Women

New Drug May Help Stubborn Gout

Anti-malarial Drug May Help Both RA and Diabetes

New Rheumatoid Arthritis Drug  R788


Just diagnosed with arthritis? Here's valuable and practical information and resources, plus order a free guide. Click here for more.


In Focus on Rheumatoid Arthritis, find out why lifting weights makes sense if you have RA, learn how diabetes and arthritis are connected, and get 7 steps for managing your pain and fatigue.


Today's Tip:

Do What You Love. If arthritis prevents you from doing a favorite activity, such as traveling, enjoy a modified version, such as visiting a local museum or taking in a foreign film. Read past tips.


Check out Arthritis Today's Drug Guide for answers to your medication questions.


Online Supplement Guide: Featuring the latest research and must-know info from top medical studies.



News You Need

Are glucosamine and chrondroitin ineffective against arthritis? A new study says the two popular dietary supplements don't seem to work any better than placebos. Read more.


More News

Arthroscopic Knee Surgery Little Help for Arthritis

New Technology Can Lead to Early Osteoarthritis Diagnosis

Arthritis Drugs Linked to Infection Risk

Low vitamin D levels may contribute to chronic pain in women
Ulcer drugs increase risk of osteoporotic fractures
Benefits of acid blockers outweigh costs for older aspirin users
New biologic drug for RA earns FDA committee approval
Research reveals important clues to cartilage repair


From the economy to family, tips on managing stress in tough times

Looking for weight loss success? Think your way to thin!

Healthy meals with the help of your freezer

Expert advice for dealing with stubborn gout

Delicious high-protein dip recipes to kick off the new year

Connect & Share

Be inspired by sisters who lived their dream and walked a marathon.


Follow their journey. Visit their blog, "America to Anywhere for Arthritis," to keep up with their adventures.



PLUS: Whether you've just been diagnosed or want to keep up on health-care issues, stay connected with other people just like you in our blogs and forums.  



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