
Go Red For Women presents – Untold Stories of the Heart

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See how real women cope with heart disease on Go Red For Women presents – Untold Stories of the Heart . This television special, which aired nationwide recently, focuses on real women's stories of struggle, success and support. Share it with others to inspire conversation, compassion and a greater understanding of the important journey to heart health. Meet our women here.



Make a Gift, Save a Life

Red Gift Box

Your donation today helps the American Heart Association protect hearts and lives year-round by allowing us to fund research, education and advocacy programs to fight heart disease. Consider a gift from the heart this holiday season. Together, we can make a difference.


Get Ready for Wear Red Day

Macy's logo 9-19-08

Feb. 6 is coming soon. Be ready with something from our new shopping site, ShopGoRed.com. It’s filled with items for women and men -- perfect for wearing on our special day. With even one purchase, you directly support the Go Red For Women movement and help the fight against heart disease.





Featured News


Women More Likely than Men to Die in Hospital from Severe Heart Attack

DALLAS, Dec. 9 -- Men and women have about the same adjusted in-hospital death rate for heart attack — but women are more likely to die if hospitalized for a more severe type of heart attack, according to a report in Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association.


Smoking During Pregnancy Associated with Artery Damage in Children
DALLAS, Nov. 20 -- Children of mothers who smoked during pregnancy had more damage to their arteries in young adulthood than offspring of non-smokers and the association was even stronger if both parents smoked, researchers reported in Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology: Journal of the American Heart Association.


Blood Pressure Dips in Mothers
Did you know that having a baby might reduce your blood pressure? Research suggests that first-time mothers with healthy pregnancies may gain the long-term benefit of reduced blood pressure. While it is not suggested that you have a baby to reduce the risk of hypertension, it is suggested that you strive for a healthy blood pressure throughout all stages of life. GoRedForWomen.org offers solutions to help you turn personal choices into life-saving actions.



Support the Cause


Heart disease is the No. 1 killer of women in the U.S. You can help combat that statistic when you shop for products or support the companies that support the fight against heart disease and elevate the cause.The products and companies shown here provide dollars needed to fund heart research. You directly support the movement, even just by making one purchase. Because doing good and looking good are always in fashion.
