News from U.S. Senator Patty Murray - Washington State
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News Release

PHOTO: Celebrating Our Progress on Farmworker Housing - State Representative Phyllis Kenney

For Immediate Release:
Tuesday, August 2, 2005

Representative Kenney shared her own experiences:

"Doing what is right is not always easy at times. Coming from a farmworker family, having lived in the car, having lived by the riverbanks, having lived in chicken coops, I know what it is like first hand. And to see people working together to create housing like this, it is not only right but it is absolutely great. And as Senator Murray says, people have the right and the dignity to live good lives like human beings and all citizens of this state should have that right, and especially farmworkers who are a critical part of our economic stability in this state and economic development because without them, this state would not do as well as it does…This housing project is beautiful because it tells you that when we come together to do the right thing, things will happen."

