Welcome to the California Department of Food and Agriculture

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Courtesy of Ed Williams, CDFA: Grape vineyard with small pictures of crepe myrtle, a GWSS, oranges and bottles of wine.

PDCP's Mission

The mission of the Pierce's Disease Control Program (PDCP) is to minimize the statewide impact of Pierce's disease and its vectors in California.

Statement from the Secretary

"Invasive pests and diseases are a recurring story in California, both for our agricultural community and for the rest of the state’s environment, natural resources, and public and private property.  California’s diverse agricultural production, its varied landscape and its range of weather conditions make this state an ideal place to produce more than half of the nation’s supply of fruits and vegetables.  Unfortunately, these same conditions make California a hospitable place for an ever-expanding list of invasive pests like the glassy-winged sharpshooter.

While Pierce’s disease has been in California for a century or more, the establishment of the glassy-winged sharpshooter infestation in southern California in the late 1990s suddenly thrust the disease to the top of the list of threats to crops ranging from grapes to alfalfa to stone fruits.  Thanks to substantial investment by both growers and state and federal governments, we have been able to develop a multi-faceted program that has succeeded in keeping this pest and disease from gaining ground. 

In the complex case of Pierce’s disease and the glassy-winged sharpshooter, Californians deserve no less from their leaders than an innovative solution.  The Department’s staff, as well as growers and researchers, have known since the beginning of this program that it would take time, effort and investment to succeed."

A.G. Kawamura, Secretary
California Department of Food and Agriculture

Contact PDCP

1220 N Street, Room 325, Sacramento, CA 95814

Phone: (916) 651-0253 / Fax: (916) 651-0275