The Library of Congress >> African & Middle Eastern Reading Room

Near East Collections: Library of Congress, An Illustrated Guide
   HOME  Foreword  Introduction  Note to Researchers  Countries, Areas, and Languages Covered  Publications

   Middle East & Religion  Arab World  Armenia & Georgia  Central Asia  Iranian World  Turkey  Near East Heritage

Note on transliteration

Note that the languages of the Middle East which have their own alphabets have been transliterated into Roman alphabet characters in this guide without the use of diacritical marks that are used by the American Library Association and the Library of Congress. At the time that this Web version was produced, not all of the necessary diacritical marks could be produced using the character entity references allowed under the HTML 4.01 specification. The authors of this guide felt it would be misleading to use some, but not all, of these characters. At such time when both the HTML standard and the available browsers can represent all these characters, they will be added to the text.

   HOME  Foreword  Introduction  Note to Researchers  Countries, Areas, and Languages Covered  Publications

   Middle East & Religion  Arab World  Armenia & Georgia  Central Asia  Iranian World  Turkey  Near East Heritage

The Library of Congress >> African & Middle Eastern Reading Room
( November 3, 2003 )
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