Women's Gynecological Cancers Conference

Each year nearly 80,000 women in this country are diagnosed with a new case of gynecological cancer, and an estimated 28,000 die from these diseases.

In order to raise awareness, Congressman Dan Burton held a successful summit on Women's Gynecological Cancers entitled "What Moms and Daughters Need to Know About Gynecological Cancers" at the Conseco Conference Center in Carmel on May 12, 2007.

Congressman Burton moderated a panel of doctors and cancer survivors who discussed the symptoms of gynecological cancers as well as the most recent developments in the fight against these diseases.

Burton stated, "Cervical, ovarian, and other types of gynecological cancers are easily treated if discovered early on." Congressman Burton went on to say, "It is extremely important both doctors and patients know the warning signs of these potentially life-threatening diseases."



Burton Receives Award for Work with Johanna's Law

Burton Shares Personal Experience with Cancer

Congressman Burton interviews Drs. Manahan and Burton about early detection

Dan talks with women about misdiagnoses

Dan interviews Julie Sautter- Indianapolis Healthy Start

One woman out of every 55 will develop ovarian cancer, according to

The number of women who died from ovarian cancer from 2000 to 2003, according to Indiana Cancer Facts & Figures 2006.


Press Release

Congressman Burton's floor speech in support of Johanna's Law

Johanna's Law

Because She Should Know Conference:

Women's Cancer Network:

Women's Oncology Research & Development:

Hope, Peace and Serenity Artwork:

A portion of the proceeds will be given as research grants to scientists working to discover a reliable screening test for ovarian cancer.