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The U.S. Congressional Bibliographies is compiled at the NCSU Libraries and is edited by John A. "Jack" McGeachy.  We are always interested in comments and feedback about your use of the material found on this site, and in how its resources may be enhanced.  Please feel free to contact us using this form.

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Site Milestones

  • April 2009 - The editor retired, having been told his service was no longer desired. The Congressional Bibliographies end.
  • July 2008 - The editor was asked to provide an "updated summary of Congressional Bibliographies -- something that facilitates cost/benefit analysis," the third such review in six years.  This report, Congressional Bibliographies overview, was submitted to managers.
  • January 2008 - U.S. Congressional Committee Meetings Index was taken offline.  A hardware change necessitated a redesign.  WAIS indexing was retired.
  • June 2004 - Site received the 2004 Thompson Gale Award for Excellence in Reference and Adult Library Service
  • December 2003 - U.S. Congressional Committee Meetings Index introduced;  site redesigned
  • July 2000 - Site renamed U.S. Congressional Bibliographies;  first House Hearings files from Daily Digests introduced
  • March 1997 - Senate Bibliographies pages added to NCSU Libraries' www server
  • April 1996 - Unprinted hearings study begun
  • July 1993 - WAIS index to Senate hearings introduced
  • February 1993 - Senate Bibliographies files migrate to ftp.ncsu.edu
  • October 1991 - Senate Bibliographies made available via FTP from listserv@ncsuvm.cc.ncsu.edu
  • September 1991 - The first of four printed biennial publications, List of Committee Hearings, Committee Prints and Publications of the United States Senate, 99th Congress, 1985-1986, issued
  • December 1990 - First hearing title pages received from U.S. Senate Library
  • 1988 - NCSU Libraries' Documents Department began to compile database records of Senate hearings, prints, and publications