Electronic Newsletter
Congressman John Shimkus
Friday, July 8, 2005

D.C. and District Talk

· Funding for 19th District Included in Transportation Bill
I voted for passage of the Transportation, Treasury, Housing and Urban Development, The Judiciary, District of Columbia, and Independent Agencies Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2006 (HR 3058) last week. The total cost of these government agencies is nearly $67 billion.

This bill covers a lot of government ground. The discussions took place over two full days, and here are few programs that I’d like to highlight.

First, Amtrak funding was restored to nearly the same level as last year. However, the system will have to reform itself.

As a member of the Congressional Meth Caucus, I supported increasing - over last year - the grant funds available under the High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas program. This is vital to continue efforts in the fight against meth.

As I mentioned in last weeks newsletter, I also oppose the recent Kelo v. City of New London Supreme Court decision. An amendment that I supported will prohibit federal funds from being used on projects that use eminent domain of private property for private development.

I believe this ruling is dangerous, in giving cities the ability to take private land for any purpose deemed beneficial for economic development.

Other funding contained in this appropriations bill includes: highway and capital funds for transit are at higher levels than last year to match the funding levels in the Transportation Equity Act; funds to hire and train 595 new air traffic controllers; and $1.5 billion more in housing programs than last year.

For more information on the Transportation Bill please visit http://www.house.gov/transportation.

Constituent Corner

· Earn the Congressional Award

I would like to encourage my younger to constituents to join the thousands of young people, ages 14 – 23 who are volunteering in their communities and challenging themselves personally, as they work to earn Congress’ highest honor for youth. The Congressional Award challenges you to challenge yourself. You don’t win The Congressional Award, you earn it!

For more information please contact The Congressional Award National Office at 202-226-0130, request materials toll free at 1-888-80-AWARD or visit the Award’s website at www.congressionalaward.org.

· New “Traveling Help Desk” Dates

On Thursday, July 14th, Holly Healy of my Harrisburg district office will be available to help the residents of West Salem and Bellmont. In West Salem, she will be at the West Salem Village Hall on 106 East South Street from 9:00 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. In Bellmont, she will be in the Bellmont Village Hall on 218 North Main Street from 11:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m.

Appointments are not necessary, so feel free to drop by at any time. For more information, please visit my web page at http://www.house.gov/shimkus/helpdesk.htm. I hope you stop in to see us!

Anticipated Action on the House Floor Next Week

· Congress will be in session from Tuesday through Thursday of next week. Some of the legislation which will be considered includes:

o H.R. 739 - Occupational Safety and Health Small Business Day in Court Act of 2005

o H.R. 740 - Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission Efficiency Act of 2005

o H.R. 741 - Occupational Safety and Health Independent Review of OSHA Citations Act of 2005

o H.R. 742 - Occupational Safety and Health Small Employer Access to Justice Act of 2005

· Want to know more? Keep an eye on the Office of the Clerk’s web site: http://clerk.house.gov/legisAct/index.html. This site provides up-to-date information on House legislative schedules.

Did You Know?

· Low Income Families can Apply to Receive Discount Prescription Drugs

RxForIllinois.org is a program that connects qualified, low-income people with discount prescription drugs, direct from the pharmaceutical manufacturer. RxForIllinois.org offers a single point of access to public and private patient assistance programs, including more than 150 programs offered by pharmaceutical companies.

Many people have difficulty affording health care, including prescription medicines. A number of patient assistance programs provide help to patients who lack prescription drug coverage and earn less than 20% of the federal poverty level (approximately $19,000 for an individual or $31,000 for a family of three).

Patients will be directed to the public or private programs most likely to meet their needs. RxForIllinois.org helps low-income, uninsured patients:

· Enroll in more than 150 company patient assistance programs

· Access more than 1,200 medicines for free or at a low cost

· Learn how to contact government programs for which they may qualify, such as Medicaid, Medicare, or the State Children’s Health Insurance Program

For more information and to apply for the program please visit http://www.rxforillinois.org.

Thank you for the interest in my newsletter! Remember to tell your friends about it as well--they can sign up on my web page at http://www.house.gov/shimkus.


Congressman John Shimkus


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