Electronic Newsletter
Congressman John Shimkus
Friday, July 23, 2004

D.C. and District Talk

At the Kids.us forum

" Progress on New Kids.us Internet Domain
Last week I had the chance to speak at a forum titled, "The Kids.us Internet Domain: Developing a Safe Place on the Internet for Children," where I was pleased to welcome the latest content provider to the domain, the Nickelodeon television network.

As the original sponsor of the legislation that created this internet domain, I am very excited to add another quality provider such as Nickelodeon. I would like to thank Viacom (owner of Nickelodeon) for coming forward with two new websites. The two sites are www.nickjr.kids.us and www.nick.kids.us, the first geared toward younger children and the other toward young teens.

The kids.us domain is open to all consumers, businesses, educators, government agencies and organizations in the United States or with a U.S. presence to register Internet addresses and establish websites. To date, several other organizations have created content-specific sites that reside on this domain, including the Smithsonian Institution, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and the ABC television network.

For more information and websites involved with kids.us please visit http://www.kids.us/.

Constituent Corner

" New Firefighter Grant to Hidalgo
I am pleased to announce funding through the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to the Hidalgo Fire Department. The money comes from the Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program administered by the DHS Office for Domestic Preparedness in cooperation with the United States Fire Administration.

The Hidalgo Fire Department will receive funding for Operations and Firefighter Safety.
The grant, providing $40,872 of a total budget of $45,414, may be used for training, wellness and fitness, firefighting equipment, personal protective equipment, and modifications to fire stations and facilities.

As a cosponsor of the FIRE Act legislation that started these firefighter's grants, I am happy that local fire departments have been successful in obtaining federal funds. We have held seminars for fire districts to make sure that they file quality applications in order to improve their success in obtaining a grant.

Tragedies make us realize the importance of having trained personnel respond to accidents and disaster situations. I congratulate the chief and the firefighters for their efforts to maintain the safety of area residents. I hope these funds will make their jobs both safer and easier and our lives safer, too.

" New Grants Available for the Targeted Watershed Grants Program
The Targeted Watersheds Grant Program is a relatively new EPA program designed to encourage successful community-based approaches and management techniques to protect and restore the nation's waters. I am happy to announce that the Upper Sangamon River has been included in the targeted areas by the EPA.

As some of you know, the Upper Sangamon River watershed exhibits water quality problems typical of agricultural watersheds in the upper Midwest. In 1922, Lake Decatur, a prominent feature of the watershed, was formed to provide water for domestic use and processing of agricultural products. The Upper Sangamon River Watershed Committee, co-chaired by a farmer and a Decatur City Council member, will devote Targeted Watershed funds to three interrelated projects to improve water quality locally, regionally, and in the Gulf of Mexico by reducing unnecessary nutrient discharges from agricultural areas.

The watershed organizations will use the funds toward a variety of restoration, protection and trading projects. Money will be used to stabilize stream banks, demonstrate innovative nutrient management schemes, establish pollutant credits, and work with local governments and private citizens to promote sustainable practices and strategies. Grants will range from $700,000 to $1,300,000, with an additional 25% leveraged from other sources.

For more information on these projects please contact Stephen John at the Agricultural Watershed Institute via email at epeinc@aol.com or by phone (217) 429-3290. You can also visit the EPA's website at www.epa.gov.

" Funding Secured for Scott Air Force Base
I'm happy to announce that by working with my colleagues Senator Richard Durbin and Congressmen Jerry Costello, we have secured $265.3 million to expand the mission of the 932nd Airlift Wing at Scott Air Force Base as part of the Defense Appropriations bill for fiscal year 2005.

The funds, added in the House version of the bill and maintained in the final version of the legislation, will be used to purchase three C-40 aircraft and maintain three C-9s currently at Scott. This action keeps the 932nd at Scott and the 1,000 reservists and civilians employed by the wing - as well as the $27 million the wing contributes annually to the local economy. The C-40 is the military version of the 737 and has numerous airlift capabilities.

Last year, funding was eliminated for the C-9s at Scott and those based in Japan, without plans for replacing the aircraft. Senator Durbin, Representative Costello and I immediately developed a plan to replace the C-9s and expand the mission of the 932nd. Last year, they secured $12.2 million to keep the C-9s at Scott for one year.

Scott Air Force Base and the units within perform a critical mission in the war on terrorism. The men of the 932nd Squadron continue to provide tremendous service to our country. With these new planes, they will continue to do so.

The funding will be used as follows:

" $225 million to purchase three C-40 aircraft.
" $6 million for hush kits for C-9Cs, which eventually will replace the C-9As currently at Scott.
" $16.6 million for site activation to make the necessary preparations for the C-40s.
" $8.3 million to keep the C-9As currently at Scott there for at least one more year.
" $9.4 million for personnel costs.

" New "Traveling Help Desk" Dates
On Thursday, July 29th, Amy Weber of my Collinsville district office will be available to help the residents of Okawville and Trenton. In Okawville, she will be at the Okawville Senior Center on 305 N. Nashville Street from 12:30 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. In Trenton, she will be at City Hall located at 14 West Broadway from 2:30 p.m. until 4:00 p.m.
Appointments are not necessary, so feel free to drop by at any time. For more information, please visit my web page at http://www.house.gov/shimkus/helpdesk.htm. I hope you stop in to see us!

" Open Office Hours
As part of my ongoing effort to make myself as accessible to my constituents as possible, I will be holding Open Office Hours next week. I encourage you to drop by and share your problems and concerns with me. Appointments are not required, though they are appreciated in order to give me time to adequately address your concerns. If you would like to make one, please call (618) 344-3065.
Here are the locations and time:

o Jerseyville July 28th - On Wednesday, July 28th, I will be at the Jerseyville City Hall located at 115 East Prairie, from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
o Shawneetown July 30th - On Friday, July 30th, I will be at the Shawneetown City Hall located at 330 N. Lincoln Boulevard, from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

For more information on Open Office Hours, please visit my web page at www.house.gov/shimkus/openoff.htm. Hope you drop by and chat with me!

Legislative Week in Review

" The following bills were passed by the House of Representatives this week with my support:
o H.R. 3313 - Marriage Protection Act of 2004. This bill amends the Federal judicial code to deny Federal courts jurisdiction to hear or determine any question pertaining to the interpretation of the Defense of Marriage Act or the Federal statute defining marriage.
o H.R. 4842 - United States-Morocco Free Trade Agreement Implementation Act.
o H.R. 4608 - A Bill to name the Department of Veterans Affairs outpatient clinic located in Peoria, Illinois, as the "Bob Michel Department of Veterans Affairs Outpatient Clinic".
o H.R. 4613 - Department of Defense Appropriations Act for FY 2005

For more information on the status of the FY 2005 Appropriations bills please visit http://thomas.loc.gov/home/approp/app05.html.

To keep up to date on legislation as it moves through the approval process please visit http://thomas.loc.gov/home/thomas.html and type in the bill number.

Anticipated Action on the House Floor Next Week

" Congress will be in a district work period until September 7th. In the meantime, keep an eye on the Office of the Clerk's web site: http://clerk.house.gov/legisAct/index.html. This site provides up-to-date information on House legislative schedules.

Did You Know?

" National Farmers Market Week is August 1st - 7th
To further the expansion of Farmers Markets thoughout the United States, the USDA has created Farmers Market Week to promote them throughout the country. The USDA has also created a website with the locations of Farmers Markets across the country. To find one near you, please visit http://www.ams.usda.gov/farmersmarkets/map.htm. For more information on Farmers Market Week please visit http://www.ams.usda.gov/farmersmarkets/.

Thank you for the interest in my newsletter! Remember to tell your friends about it as well--they can sign up on my web page at http://www.house.gov/shimkus.


Congressman John Shimkus

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