Electronic Newsletter
Congressman John Shimkus
Friday, January 30, 2004

D.C. and District Talk

" Homeland Security Department Unveils National Cyber Alert Program
This week, the "My Doom" virus infected computers and caused problems for innocent people throughout the country. This is why I am especially happy to announce that the National Cyber Security Division (NCSD) of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has unveiled the National Cyber Alert System, a system of delivering Americans timely and information to better secure their computer systems. As part of this program, Homeland Security is making available a series of informational products for home users and technical experts in businesses and government agencies. These e-mail products will provide timely information on computer security vulnerabilities, potential impact, and action required to mitigate threats, as well as PC security "best practices" and "how to" guidance. For more information please visit <http://www.us-cert.gov/index.html>.

Constituent Corner

" Broadcast Decency Enforcement Act
I have been receiving numerous complaints from many constituents regarding the FCC's refusal to penalize instances of obscene language heard over the public airways. As the father of 3 young boys, I share your concern on this issue. In light of this, I have recently signed on to become a cosponsor of H.R. 3717, the Broadcast Decency Enforcement Act. I am a strong supporter of this legislation and will update the newsletter with more information as this bill moves through committee.

" Salute Hospitalized Veterans'
February 9th through the 13th is National Salute to Hospitalized Veterans Week. Citizens young and old are once again sending Valentine cards and letters to VA medical centers simply addressed "Dear Veteran". I know from visiting many of these hospitals that many patients are lonely and really appreciate all correspondence. Any individuals or groups wishing to participate in the medical center program should call the VA's Voluntary Service Office at (319)339-7129.

" Olmsted Dam Project Creates New Jobs
I am happy to announce that the Army Corp of Engineers has awarded a $564 million contract to replace the deteriorating Locks and Dam 52 and 53 on the Ohio River. This is expected to bring about 250 craft jobs to the area during the peak months of construction and is scheduled to be completed in 2012. Lock and dam modernization is of critical importance to our region, and I am pleased to have this project brought to our area.

" Firefighter Grant to go to Greenville Fire Department
I am pleased to announce funding through the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to the Greenville Fire Protection District. The U.S. Fire Administration, a division of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, administers the Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program. The department will receive $73,800, which may be used for training, wellness and fitness, firefighting equipment, personal protective equipment, and modifications to fire stations and facilities.

" Give Kids a Smile Event: February 7th
On Saturday, February 7th the American Dental Association will be sponsoring an event for children to receive free dental care. In honor of National Children's Dental Access Day, children ages 3-13 who are eligible for public aid and/or free lunch programs can attend the event at the Southern Illinois University Dental Clinic in Alton. Free examinations, x-rays, cleanings, fluoride treatments, fillings, and extractions will be offered from 8 am to 3 pm. Members of the Madison District Dental Society, the St. Clair District Dental Society, SIU School of Dental Medicine Faculty and students, and Lewis and Clark Community College dental assisting and dental hygiene faculty and students will provide dental care at the event. The dental school is located on Annex Street off College Avenue in Alton. To register or to receive more information, contact Dr. Debra Schwenk at (618) 474-7129.

" Grants for High Energy Costs
The Rural Utilities Service (RUS) of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has announced the availability of $11.3 million in competitive grants to assist communities with extremely high energy costs. The grant funds may be used to acquire, construct, extend, upgrade, or otherwise improve energy generation, transmission, or distribution facilities serving communities in which the average residential expenditure for home energy exceeds 275 percent of the national average. All applications must be postmarked or delivered to RUS or through Grants.gov no later than March 5, 2004. For more information on eligibility requirements and details of the program, please visit: <http://fedgrants.gov/Applicants/USDA/RD/RUS/USDA-RD-RUS-HECG03-1/listing.html>.

" Displaced Workers Program Reminder
In response to a recent report that says only 345 displaced workers have enrolled in the state's Comprehensive Health Insurance Plan (CHIP), I'd like to remind my constituents who have been laid off for trade-related reasons that they may be eligible for these benefits. Many people may not realize that they can take part in this plan, that is part of federal trade adjustment assistance (TAA). Taxpayers who are part of a qualified health plan-such as CHIP-also may claim the Health Coverage Tax Credit.

If you are TAA certified, or if you receive a pension from the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC), you may qualify for CHIP. I'd urge workers in the 19th District to visit:
<http://www.chip.state.il.us/> or call 1-866-851-2751 to find out more about the eligibility requirements for this plan.

Legislative Week in Review

" Bankruptcy Protection Passed
The House passed legislation on Wednesday that cracks down on those who abuse the bankruptcy laws. The text of H.R. 975, "the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act," was inserted as the text of S. 1920 and approved by a vote of 265 to 99 with one Member voting present. The House then requested a conference with the Senate to negotiate differences in the legislation. Some of the highlights in this legislation are:

¢ Provides the Justice Department and the courts the tools they need to deal with fraud and abuse in the current bankruptcy system.
¢ Addresses the so-called "mansion loophole" by which corporate criminals and other wrongdoers can shield their million dollar homes from the just claims of their creditors.
¢ Prevents deadbeat parents from using bankruptcy as a means of avoiding their child support obligations. The National Child Support Enforcement Association states that these reforms are "crucial to the collection of child support during bankruptcy."
¢ In light of the disastrous impact that bankruptcy cases like WorldCom and Enron have had on their employees, includes reforms that more than double the current monetary cap on wage and employee benefit claims entitled to priority under the Bankruptcy Code.

Anticipated Action on the House Floor Next Week

" The legislative schedule for next week has not been announced as of yet. Look for an update on what votes took place in next Friday's newsletter or visit <http://www.gop.gov/committeecentral/docs/pubs/WeeklyFloorBriefing>. This site will provide the House legislative schedule as soon as it becomes available.

Did You Know?

" USA Freedom Corp is 2 Years Old
In his State of the Union address on January 29, 2002, President George W. Bush issued a national Call to Service - urging Americans to dedicate two years -- or 4,000 hours -- over the course of their lifetimes to serving their communities. The President announced the creation of the USA Freedom Corps to help Americans find volunteer opportunities in three areas of need: responding in case of crisis at home; rebuilding our communities; and extending American compassion throughout the world.
In the last two years, the USA Freedom Corps has mobilized more Americans to engage in volunteer service, strengthened national service programs, supported the teaching of American history and civics, and established new volunteer initiatives to better serve important community needs. For more information on how you can volunteer in your community please visit <http://www.usafreedomcorps.gov>.

Thank you for the interest in my newsletter! Remember to tell your friends about it as well--they can sign up on my web page at <http://www.house.gov/shimkus>.


Congressman John Shimkus

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