Congresswoman Jan Schakoswky, Representing the 9th District of Illinois


For Immediate Release:
June 6, 2007
Contact: Peter Karafotas
(202) 226-6898



Expressing Support for H. Res. 422 – Calling on the Government of the People’s Republic of China to use its Unique Influence and Economic Leverage to Stop Genocide and Violence in Darfur, Sudan

Madam Speaker, I rise in strong support of H. Res. 422, which calls on the Government of the People’s Republic of China to use its unique influence and economic leverage to stop genocide and violence in Darfur, Sudan.  I traveled to Darfur in February 2006.  I will never forget what I saw, nor will I relent in my work to end the ongoing genocide.


China, if it chose to, could play a critical role in ending the genocide in Darfur.  The President’s Special Envoy to Sudan, Andrew S. Natsios, has said that “China’s substantial economic investment in Sudan gives it considerable potential leverage, and we have made clear to Beijing that the international community will expect China to be part of the solution.”  China has a close relationship with the Government of Sudan, economically and militarily.  It purchases 70 percent of Sudan’s oil.  China has agreed to cancel nearly $100 million in Sudan’s debt to the country, and it has invested over $10 million in the Sudanese energy sector over the last two decades.  China, already the main supplier of arms to Sudan with $83 million exported there in 2005, recently agreed to cooperate more closely militarily “in every sphere.” 


With this resolution we are asking China to acknowledge and condemn the violence taking place in Darfur, Sudan.  Additionally, we are calling on China to cease all military arms and equipments sales to Sudan.  Finally, we are strongly encouraging China to suspend economic ties to Sudan until the Government of Sudan stops attacking civilians, complies with UN Security Council resolutions, and enters into peace negotiations with rebel groups.  China has the ability to end the genocide and horror.  I hope it chooses to act immediately.


Madam Speaker, I encourage all of my colleagues to support this important resolution.  Thank you Madam Speaker.


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