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Appendix C - Discretionary vs. Congressional Designation

National Corridor Planning And Development Program And Coordinated Border Infrastructure Program

Awards **
(in millions)

Fiscal Year
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Total YTD
$123 $62 $42 $0 $0 $0 $227
Congressional Designation
$0 $60* $81 $478 $255 $132 $946
$123 $122 $123 $478 $255 $132 $1,233

*In FY 2000, about $12 million in Congressional designation was not location specific and required some discretionary judgment.

**This assumes that all Congressionally designated projects will eventually be awarded.

Appendix D - Corridors vs. Border

Note: About 6% of the US (excluding Alaska) is eligible under the border provision. Including Alaska, this percentage is 9%.


  Corridors % Borders % Both C & B % Total
FY 1999 $61,010,000 49% $51,793,000 42% $10,800,000 9% $123,603,000
FY 2000 $65,264,251 54% $31,067,500 26% $25,465,000 21% $121,796,751
FY 2001 $93,157,700 76% $22,286,600 18% $7,637,000 6% $123,081,300
FY 2002 $430,498,676 90% $40,296,500 8% $7,185,400 2% $477,980,576
FY 2003 $242,000,000 95% $9,500,000 4% $3,500,000 1% $255,000,000
FY 2004 $129,401,599 98% $1,222,544 1% $1,034,460 1% $131,658,603
TOTAL             $1,233,120,230

*This assumes that all Congressionally designated projects will eventually be awarded.

It should be noted that in FY 2002, 2003 and 2004, a separate program provided additional funding to the southwest border for motor vehicle safety related infrastructure.

Appendix E - Awards by State

National Corridor Planning and Development and Coordinated Border Infrastructure (NCPD/CBI)
Awards by State, FY 1999 - FY 2004*

State 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 State Totals
Alabama $ - $ - $6,153,000 $26,217,000 $15,000,000 $18,996,456 $66,366,456
Alaska $600,000 $ - $1,758,000 $15,536,000 $2,500,000 $8,181,642 $28,575,642
Arizona $5,500,000 $4,175,000 $1,550,000 $ - $ - 752334.88 $11,977,335
Arkansas $13,000,000 $13,500,000 $5,000,000 $26,945,250 $16,678,000 $2,797,745 $77,920,995
California $7,740,000 $11,540,000 $9,269,125 $21,847,500 $11,244,500 $5,736,553 $67,377,678
Colorado $ - $ - $3,516,000 $ - $5,000,000 3761674.4 $12,277,674
Connecticut $ - $500,000 $1,500,000 $2,233,300 $1,500,000 $84,638 $5,817,938
Delaware $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -   $0
District of Columbia $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -   $0
Florida $ - $1,742,000 $9,229,500 $27,673,500 $3,500,000 $1,880,837 $44,025,837
Georgia $1,500,000 $ - $ - $971,000 $875,000 $3,855,716 $7,201,716
Hawaii $ - $ - $ - $ - $ -   $0
Idaho $1,200,000 $100,000 $1,670,100 $9,710,000 $8,000,000   $20,680,100
Illinois $3,000,000 $6,968,000 $15,086,250 $16,992,500 $10,150,000 $188,084 $52,384,834
Indiana $2,400,000 $2,100,000 $5,361,900 $7,608,756 $600,000 $2,774,235 $20,844,891
Iowa $3,000,000 $2,100,000 $ - $679,700 $6,500,000 $705,314 $12,985,014
Kansas $560,000 $ - $ - $4,855,000 $2,000,000 $940,419 $8,355,419
Kentucky $4,500,000 $4,355,000 $7,032,000 $41,966,620 $22,840,000 $2,162,963 $82,856,583
Louisiana $4,000,000 $500,000 $2,021,700 $29,906,800 $6,800,000 $5,031,240 $48,259,740
Maine $1,500,000 $1,306,500 $ - $3,398,500 $1,500,000   $7,705,000
Maryland $500,000 $ - $ - $971,000 $500,000 $2,586,151 $4,557,151
Massachusetts $ - $ - $1,758,000 $5,340,500 $7,250,000 $5,501,449 $19,849,949
Michigan $11,900,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 $8,739,000 $1,275,000 $1,269,565 $28,183,565
Minnesota $644,000 $3,075,000 $ - $9,710,000 $2,500,000 $2,351,047 $18,280,047
Mississippi $ - $2,300,000 $ - $33,499,500 $8,000,000 $2,586,151 $46,385,651
Missouri $800,000 $ - $3,516,000 $14,807,750 $10,500,000 $5,642,512 $35,266,262
Montana $150,000 $82,251 $ - $3,398,500 $3,000,000   $6,630,751
Nebraska $ - $ - $ - $ - $1,500,000   $1,500,000
Nevada $ - $ - $ - $ - $1,000,000   $1,000,000
New Hampshire $ - $ - $1,318,500 $971,000 $ -   $2,289,500
New Jersey $1,000,000 $200,000 $ - $ - $850,000 235104.65 $2,285,105
New Mexico $4,000,000 $2,000,000 $ - $971,000 $4,000,000   $10,971,000
New York $4,860,000 $8,460,000 $3,300,000 $10,049,850 $4,522,000 $2,445,088 $33,636,938
North Carolina $ - $800,000 $439,500 $3,398,500 $2,000,000 $2,844,766 $9,482,766
North Dakota $200,000 $ - $ - $ - $ -   $200,000
Ohio $ - $400,000 $527,400 $6,797,000 $5,762,500 $3,432,528 $16,919,428
Oklahoma $3,000,000 $ - $ - $1,456,500 $1,500,000 $3,761,674 $9,718,174
Oregon $2,000,000 $ - $879,000 $4,855,000 $6,500,000 $470,209 $14,704,209
Pennsylvania $4,000,000 $2,500,000 $ - $1,505,050 $7,100,000 $4,043,800 $19,148,850
Rhode Island $ - $ - $ - $ - $1,000,000 752334.88 $1,752,335
South Carolina $ - $ - $ - $ - $3,000,000 235104.65 $3,235,105
South Dakota $3,000,000 $2,000,000 $4,758,000 $11,652,000 $1,000,000 $4,702,093 $27,112,093
Tennessee $3,000,000 $5,000,000 $ - $971,000 $3,900,000 $2,115,942 $14,986,942
Texas $14,000,000 $18,305,000 $8,038,325 $19,808,400 $20,950,000 $3,996,779 $85,098,504
Utah $ - $ - $400,000 $ - $ -   $400,000
Vermont $ - $ - $ - $ - $2,000,000 3761674.4 $5,761,674
Virginia $ - $400,000 $4,395,000 $582,600 $2,188,000 $4,231,884 $11,797,484
Washington $11,249,000 $3,484,000 $879,000 $33,014,000 $12,900,000 $4,702,093 $66,228,093
West Virginia $6,500,000 $10,452,000 $8,790,000 $52,434,000 $16,615,000 $9,874,395 $104,665,395
Wisconsin $3,000,000 $10,452,000 $6,637,000 $16,507,000 $9,000,000 $2,266,409 $47,862,409
Wyoming $1,300,000 $ - $ - $ - $0 $ - $1,300,000
Sub-Total $123,603,000 $120,796,751 $117,783,300 $477,980,576 $255,000,000 $131,658,604 $1,226,822,231
GSA $ - $1,000,000 $5,298,000 $ - $ - $ - $6,298,000
Grand Total $123,603,000 $121,796,751 $123,081,300 $477,980,576 $255,000,000 $131,658,604 $1,233,120,231

*This assumes that all Congressionally designated projects will eventually be awarded.

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