

The Health Policy Group provides policy analysis and innovative programming for state health policy leaders in the legislative and executive branches. This group also develops many publications and health forums for state leaders.

State leaders need access to critical and timely health policy information. CSG staff works to provide officials with best practices and policy analysis, helping lawmakers identify the best health solutions for their states.


Health Policy Task Force

Policy Positions & Resolutions

Healthy States Web site

Meetings and Conferences

State Legislation

State Programs

Interstate Compacts

CSG Publications

Staff Contact

DHHS Healthcare Costs and Utilization Project

New from CSG

Medicaid 101: A Primer for State Legislators

Using Research in Public Health Policymaking


VIDEO: Stimulus & Transportation at CSG Spring Conference
The Council of State Governments will host its upcoming Spring Conference May 16 in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. CSG Transportation Policy Analyst Sean Slone offers a preview of the serious discussions at the meeting as he explains issues in state transportation efforts in a video interview.

CSG Backs Strategies for Healthy Communities
The Council of State Governments is one of 11 prominent policymaker groups endorsing a host of comprehensive policy strategies and environmental changes to create healthier communities and help reverse the childhood obesity epidemic.

Mortgage Meltdown in the South
Learn about the financial impact of the housing contraction in states in the South.

Visit for the latest news
affecting state governments.