henry toll fellowship program


"I firmly believe the Toll Fellowship Program is an excellent resource for anyone hoping to better their leadership capability as well as build their character."

               - Lt. Gov. Beverly Perdue, N.C.

                 1992 Toll Fellow

2009 Toll Fellows Program

Sept. 12-17, 2009

The Henry Toll Fellowship Program is the premier leadership development program for state government officials.

2009 Application Packet

Online Application Form coming soon!

Applications must be postmarked by April 15, 2009!

About the Program

Application Materials

Henry Toll: A Leader

Toll FAQs

Toll Fellows Alumni

Staff Contacts




State News Trivia
Many states were organized as territories before being admitted to the union. Which state was a territory for the longest time period before becoming a state?

State Spending Increases
How much has state spending increased since 2005. Find out in this new Trends in America Facts and Figures.

Obesity Rates Climbing Fast
Obesity rates are climbing fast across the country. Where does your state rank on adult obesity rates and related factors.

Visit www.stateline.org for the latest news
affecting state governments.