U.S. Congressman
Mark Steven Kirk - Proudly serving the people of the 10th district of Illinois
  For Immediate Release  
January 5, 2009

Kirk Completes Reserve Tour of Duty in Afghanistan

First Deployment of a House Member-Reservist Since World War II

CHICAGO - U.S. Rep. Mark Kirk returned home today after completing a reserve tour of duty in Kandahar, Afghanistan.  Kirk's deployment is the first time a U.S. Representative-reservist has deployed to an imminent danger area since World War II.

"It was an honor to serve with uniformed Americans in Afghanistan that I admire," Kirk said.  "I learned a great deal about the challenges Americans and our NATO allies face in central Asia.  President-elect Obama and our NATO allies are preparing to renew a commitment to success in Afghanistan.  I return to Congress dedicated to the men and women of our Armed Forces and will work to ensure they have the support needed to carry out their mission."

Commander Kirk, USNR, served as a special advisor for counter-narcotics in NATO's International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) Regional Command (South), located at Kandahar airfield.  During his deployment, he went on several missions to Zabol and Helmand provinces to assess the prospects for reducing the production of heroin next year.  Afghanistan is the source for over 90 percent of the world's supply of opium and heroin.  Last month, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff announced that NATO allies would be increasing their commitment to security in southern Afghanistan.

"I want to commend the allied officers I worked with, especially the comrades I personally served with from Canada, Britain, Denmark and the Netherlands.  I also want to highlight Brigadier General John Nicholson, USA, and his team that are building the NATO effort in Afghanistan's southern region."

CDR Kirk follows Col. (Senator) Lindsay Graham (R-S.C.) as the only members of Congress to have served in Afghanistan.  

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