The Library of Congress Thomas Jefferson
Neptune Plaza in the foreground
The Library of Congress is the
world's foremost repository of the accumulated knowledge and
of humankind. Its diverse collections number some 130 million
items; over half of its book and serial collections are in languages
other than English. A part of the legislative branch of the
States government, the Library's primary mission is to serve
the Congress. Its universal collections, which support research
all subjects except clinical medicine and technical agriculture,
are also developed for and open to scholars from all over the
nation and the world.
The Library's collections
of foreign-language materials are stunning in their scope and
quality. For many areas of the world, such as China, Russia, and
Latin America, its collections are the finest and most comprehensive
research collections outside the country of origin. For several
regions in the developing world, where preserving research materials
takes a back seat to more immediate human needs, the collections
are superior to what is available locally and are easier to access.
The area studies divisions
are a primary gateway to those collections dealing with the non-English-speaking
world. The African and Middle
Eastern, Asian,
European, and Hispanic
divisions roughly map the principal geographic regions and language
specialties. A visit to reference personnel in these divisions
is the logical first step for researchers seeking resources about
these regions. The Library further urges researchers planning
field study in these regions to visit its collections before departure
in order to maximize the value of time spent abroad. Researchers
may also be pointed to materials in the Library's general and
special collections, the latter holding considerable non-English
materials specific to certain fields. The
Law Library, the American
Folklife Center (its name not withstanding), and the Geography
and Map, Manuscript,
Motion Picture, Broadcasting
and Recorded Sound,
Music, Prints
and Photographs, and Rare
Book and Special Collections divisions also house many unique
international materials.
The Asian Reading Room of the Library
of Congress, Thomas Jefferson Building
Photo by Robert Lisbeth |
The organization of
the Library's non-English collections by geographic region recognizes
the interrelated nature of the geography, language, history, and
cultures of the world's peoples even while honoring the distinctiveness
of each language and cultural group and the commonalities of issues
and human concerns affecting all peoples. Together with the general
collections serviced by the Humanities and Social Sciences, Science
and Technology, and Serial and Government Publications divisions,
and the special format collections mentioned above--all of which
cover the English-speaking regions of the world as well--the area
studies collections facilitate a unique range of research opportunities,
from in-depth explorations of narrow topics to broad synthesizing
Each of the four
area studies divisions operates an impressive, dedicated reading
room of its own, with specialized reference collections and Internet
access, in the Library's magnificent Thomas Jefferson Building.
Additional study facilities for qualified, long-term scholars
are also available. The Library welcomes scholars from across
the country and around the world to use its facilities and services.
Library of Congress
collections in the languages of Africa and the Middle East are
the largest of their kind. Comprising three sections--African,
Hebraic, and Near East--the African and Middle Eastern Division
covers more than 70 countries, from Morocco to South Africa to
Central Asia, and maintains custody of non-Roman script material
issued in the area. Access to related electronic materials and
the Internet is provided.
Unusually rich and
extensive research materials on sub-Saharan Africa are available
to the researcher, largely acquired through the Library's field
offices in Nairobi
and Cairo. Holdings
in economics, history, linguistics, and literature are especially
strong. While most materials are dispersed in the Library's general
book and periodical collections, impressive holdings of Africana
may also be found in special collections of legal publications,
manuscripts, maps, microforms, music, newspapers, prints, photographs,
posters, and films in various custodial divisions.
Detail from an Ethiopian painting (20th Century)
depicting the Battle of Adwa, 1896
African Section, African and Middle Eastern Division
Examples of noteworthy holdings include the Rare
Book and Special Collections Division's 1496 edition of Historia
Naturalis by Pliny the Elder (A.D. 23-79), which records
the Roman's impressions of Africa; a colored manuscript map of
Ethiopia which belonged to Haile Selassie is maintained by the
Geography and Map Division;
and the records of the American Colonization Society, including
detailed accounts of its involvement in the founding of Liberia,
are available in the Manuscript
Division. Within the African Section researchers may consult
a reference collection of bibliographies, yearbooks, directories,
selected scholarly works, and electronic resources. Latest issues
of major periodical titles are available for browsing. A large
collection of unique pamphlet material, arranged by geographic
region and subject, is also accessible.
Plaque of the Holy Places.
Watercolor depiction of shrines located in Jerusalem, Safed,
Tiberias and Hebron. Palestine, 2nd half of the 19th Century.
Hebraic Section, African and Middle Eastern Divison.
Beginning with Jacob
H. Schiff's 1912 gift of nearly 10,000 books and pamphlets, the
Library has developed and expanded its Hebraic holdings to include
all materials of research value in Hebrew and related languages.
Today, more than 150,000 items are available. Included are works
in Hebrew, Yiddish, Ladino, Judeo-Persian, Judeo-Arabic, Aramaic,
Syriac, Coptic, and Amharic. The collection includes an extensive
range of monographs; a broad selection of Hebrew periodicals both
current and retrospective, popular as well as scholarly; and a
variety of Yiddish and Hebrew newspapers reflecting all shades
of opinion. A comprehensive collection of Holocaust memorial volumes
documents Jewish life in Eastern Europe before the Second World
War, and a large collection of rabbinic bio-bibliographical works
in Hebrew is available. Holdings are especially strong in the
areas of Bible and rabbinics, liturgy, Hebrew language and literature,
responsa, and Jewish history. Access to online sources of Judaica
is also available.
Among the 2,000 rarities in the collections are
cuneiform tablets, manuscripts, incunabula, kettubot, micrographies,
miniature books, and amulets. The more than 200 manuscripts include
a Hebrew translation of the Koran, a selection of decorated Jewish
marriage contracts, an early Ethiopian psalter in Ge'ez, various
commentaries on the Holy Scriptures, and the Washington
Haggadah, a 15th-century Hebrew illuminated manuscript.
Also included are examples from among the first books printed
in Portugal, Turkey, and on the African continent. With 24 Hebrew
incunables--books printed before the year 1501--and an additional
15 in the Rare Book
and Special Collections Division, the Library of Congress
ranks as one of the world's most important public collections
of Hebrew incunabula. Also unique are more than 1,000 original
Yiddish plays, in manuscript or typescript form, written between
the end of the 19th and the middle of the 20th centuries, intended
for the American Yiddish theater.
In 1884, U.S. Congressman
Abraham Hewitt visited Constantinople, and as a result Sultan
Abdul Hamid II presented to the Library of Congress a rich collection
of 375 volumes in Turkish and Arabic representing a cross section
of the knowledge available in Ottoman domains at the time. While
the Library has had a wide range of materials on the Middle East
in its general holdings, primarily in Roman alphabet languages
going back into the 19th century, the 1945 acquisition of the
Mansuri Collection, with over 5,000 volumes on all phases of Islam
and Islamic culture, provided the nucleus for the development
of an outstanding Near Eastern collection that now consists of
more than 256,000 items in 37 languages of the Near East, North
Africa, and Central Asia.
Félix Teynard. Le Kaire.
Tombeaux de Sultans Mamelouks (Tomb of the Mameluke Sultans,
Salt print photograph, 1851.
Prints and Photographs Division. |
The Near Eastern collections comprise books, periodicals,
newspapers, government publications, manuscripts, and microforms,
with many items acquired directly through the Library's field
offices in Cairo and Islamabad. The major holdings are in Arabic
(120,000 volumes), Persian (Farsi) and such cognates as Pushto,
Dari, and Kurdish (70,000 volumes), and Turkish (35,000 volumes
in both the Arabic script of the Ottoman era and the Roman script
of modern Turkey), followed by Central Asian (12,000 volumes in
Arabic script, with many more in Cyrillic), Armenian (13,000 volumes),
and Georgian (6,000 volumes). In general, the collection is strongest
in the social sciences and humanities but includes works in all
subjects except clinical medicine and technical agriculture. Of
special note are materials on Islamic religion, Arabic history
and literature, politics, economics, philosophy, and the development
of writing, calligraphy, and the book arts in the Middle East.
Holdings include more than 7,000 periodical titles, approximately
110 newspapers, and an outstanding collection of official documents
of Middle Eastern countries.
Among the collection's special features are a wealth
of rarities, including early imprints and manuscripts. The Arabic
manuscript collection is rich in works dealing with the Islamic
religion, history, science, and literature, especially from the
9th A.H./15th A.D. to 12th A.H./18th A.D. centuries. There are
substantial materials written in the 24 or so languages spoken
by the Turkic and other ethnic groups living in the Central Asian
region of the former Soviet Union, such as Uzbek, Turkmen, Kazakh,
Kirgiz, Ossetic, Tajik, Tatar, and Yakut. Azeri publications are
also included in this collection--both those in Cyrillic script
coming from the former Soviet Union and in Arabic script coming
from Iran. There are more than 15,000 volumes in a collection
of famous authors. Of particular note are two major collections
of Near Eastern pictorial materials located in the Prints and
Photographs Division: the Abdul Hamid II Collection and the Matson
Photo Service Collection. The former was presented to the Library
in 1893 and consists of a 51 volume photographic survey of the
Ottoman Empire showing views of military installations, naval
vessels, schools, hospitals, and historic monuments. The Matson
Collection consists of approximately 25,000 slides taken of the
Levant region, mostly during the 1920s and 1930s.
The Library's collections
are the most significant outside of Asia, with over 1.7 million
items including books, periodicals, newspapers, manuscripts, microforms,
and electronic media in the languages of East, Southeast, and
South Asia. Originating in 1869 with the presentation of ten works
in 933 volumes--offered to the United States by the Emperor of
China--the Asian collections today have grown to represent one
of the most accessible and comprehensive resources for Asian-language
materials in the world. The collections embrace most subject fields,
covering an area ranging from the South Asian subcontinent and
Southeast Asia to China, Korea, and Japan. Complementing these
collections are important materials on Asia in other areas of
the Library, particularly in the special collections of legal
materials, manuscripts, maps, music, films, and photographs maintained
in other divisions. In addition, extensive Western-language materials
on Asia are housed in the general collections. The reading room
also provides access to the latest online information.
Cosmological Charts & Bonpo
Ritual Sticks - 19th Century
Chinese Section, Asian Division
Since 1869, when the
Library received its first Chinese books from the T'ung-chih Emperor,
the Chinese collection has grown to become the largest and most
accessible of its kind in the West. With almost 755,000 volumes
in Chinese, holdings also include several thousand volumes in
Manchu, Mongol, Moso (Naxi), and other ethnic minority languages
of China. The collection contains materials on all subjects of
value to scholarship, except clinical medicine and technical agriculture.
The Library's collection of Chinese legal materials--the finest
outside of Asia--is available in the Law Library.
Areas of special strength include classical Chinese
literature, the collected writings of individual authors, documentary
and archival materials of the Ch'ing and Republican periods, and
traditional Chinese medicine. Of particular importance are approximately
2,000 titles of Chinese rare books and manuscripts, among which
is the oldest example of printing in the world (passages from
a Buddhist sutra printed in 770 A.D.) and about 1,500 imprints
of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). Notable holdings include some
4,000 local and regional gazetteers, mostly original Ming and
Ch'ing editions from the period 1644-1911.
The collection has increased considerably through
recent acquisitions of several hundred additional gazetteers in
original editions, modern reprint editions published in Taiwan,
newly compiled gazetteers published in China since the 1980s,
supplemented by current Chinese local yearbooks and directories,
and local and regional newspapers and periodicals published in
China during the 1950s and 1960s. The collection also includes
some 12,000 serial titles--of which approximately 2,500 are currently
received--and 17,000 microfilm reels.
Cherry Blossoms.
Japanese Rare Book Collections, Asian Division. |
Begun in 1875, the
Japanese collection has grown steadily to become, with 873,000
cataloged volumes, the largest collection of Japanese-language
materials outside of Japan. Strongest in the humanities and social
sciences, the collection also has significant holdings of scientific
and technical journals and comprehensive runs of Japanese government
publications at both the national and prefectural levels. Among
its unique holdings are approximately 4,200 titles of printed
books and manuscripts that predate the reign of the Meiji Emperor
(1868-1912). These include collections of illustrated books and
traditional mathematics, as well as materials on religion, history,
and literature.
The Japanese collection increased dramatically soon
after World War II, when nearly 300,000 volumes were added, including
research reports of the South Manchuria Railway Company, one of
Japan's largest semiofficial research entities in its day. The
collection also includes valuable Japanese-language studies of
such areas as Korea, Taiwan, Manchuria, China, and the Pacific
Islands of the pre-1946 period, trade and government publications
covering a wide range of subject matter, approximately 25,000
periodical titles, several nationwide newspapers, and approximately
8,700 microfilm reels that include archival records from Japanese
government agencies, journals, newspapers, and censored publications
of the pre-1946 period.
The Japan Documentation Center was established in
1992 as a joint undertaking between the Library of Congress and
the Center for Global Partnership of the Japan Foundation. Its
purpose was to collect and disseminate Japanese public policy
information. The project successfully developed an information
management system and a database of over 5,000 items that includes
source materials in fields such as economics, commerce and industry,
law, politics, the environment, and social conditions. The collection
will be serviced by the Japanese Section staff. The Center collected
difficult-to-obtain unpublished literature, often referred to
as "grey literature." The collection included policy
studies and reports, white papers and annual reports, draft legislation,
think-tank reports, and public opinion polls. The bulk of materials
were issued between 1993 and 1999, and about 95% are in Japanese.
Each record in the bibliographic database has a detailed English
abstract, and the web index file allows full text searching. Researchers
can identify useful materials and request copies from the Asian
The systematic development
of the Korean collection began in the early 1950s. The collection
has close to 130,000 monographs, 7,000 serial titles, and 250
newspaper titles dating back to the 1920's, making it the largest
outside of East Asia. The collection covers all important subjects,
ranging from the classics, history, literature, arts, social sciences,
and natural sciences. In addition, there are some 7,000 English-language
and 15,000 to 20,000 Japanese-language books on Korea. While most
of the collection consists of publications from the Republic of
Korea, important research materials from North Korea, numbering
approximately 10,000 monographs, are also included. One of the
significant strengths of the Korean collection, holdings of government
publications, is the outcome of an exchange agreement between
the governments of the Republic of Korea and the United States,
signed on September 24, 1966. In the 1920's, the Library acquired
a notable collection of some 2,900 rare books published in Korea
using Chinese characters, called Han'gukpon.
Jina. Page from Kalpa-sutra.
Gujarat or Rajasthan, 17th Century
(Text in Prakrit)
South & Southeast Asia Section, Asian Division
In 1938 the Library
inaugurated the Indic Project, which later became the Southern
Asia Section, to manage and service collections it had previously
acquired. Through various post-World War II acquisition projects,
particularly after the establishment of Library field offices
in New Delhi, Karachi, and Jakarta in the 1960s, the collection
has now grown to include more than 216,000 volumes in the languages
of Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Burma, Cambodia, India, Indonesia,
Laos, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand,
the Philippines, Tibet, Vietnam, and the Pacific Islands.
The collection now provides broad research coverage
in most fields and disciplines with particular strengths in vernacular
languages and literatures, modern history and politics, vernacular
newspapers and periodicals, and government publications. The section
also maintains a large and expanding collection of serials, monographs,
and pamphlets in microform. It has custody of rare materials relating
to South Asia, Southeast Asia, and Tibet, including the manuscript
collections of the great Indologist Albrecht Weber, purchased
by the Library in 1904-1905. Other unusual items are in Burmese,
Thai, Tibetan, and in Malay written in Jawi script. Even more
unusual are the folk-writings on bamboo strips from the Mindoro-Palawan
region of the Philippines. Since 1962, the Section has made successful
efforts to add to the collection materials from all Southeast
Asian nations.
The Tibetan collection of the Library of Congress
began in 1901 with a presentation of 57 xylographs and eight manuscripts
acquired by William Woodville Rockhill, U.S. Minister in China,
during his travels in Mongolia and Tibet from 1888 to 1892. Between
1901 and 1928, approximately 920 original xylographs and manuscripts
were acquired for the Library, primarily by Rockhill, Berthold
Laufer, and Joseph Rock. Currently, the collection is one of the
largest in the West, consisting of approximately 7,130 volumes
made up of hundreds of individual titles. The Library's Tibetan
collection is representative of the entire corpus of Tibetan literature,
from the 8th century to the present: Buddhist and Bon-po philosophical
texts and their commentaries, history, biography, traditional
medicine, astrology, iconography, musical notations, the collected
works of over 200 major Tibetan authors, bibliographies, traditional
grammars and linguistic sciences, modern science, social sciences,
and modern literature. Among the Library's holdings are several
rare xylograph redactions of the Buddhist canonical literature,
the Kanjur and the Tanjur, and possibly
the only copy in the West of the Bon-po Kanjur. The
Derge Kanjur was acquired for the Library by William
Rockhill in 1901, and the Narthang Tanjur was acquired
by Berthold Laufer in 1928. The complete Coni redaction in 317
volumes acquired by Joseph Rock in 1928 is one of only a few known
to exist today.
The Library's collections
from or pertaining to Europe as a whole began in 1814 with the
acquisition of Thomas Jefferson's personal library, which contained
many books representative of European culture. Since Jefferson's
day, the Library's European collections have grown in size and
quality, to the extent that they can meet the needs of Congress
and of the scholarly community in all disciplines except clinical
medicine and technical agriculture. The Library's holdings of
books and other materials from almost all European countries are
larger than those anywhere else in the world except in the countries
themselves. Holdings are especially strong in history, language,
literature, economics, government and politics, geography, law,
and the arts. Access to the latest electronic information is also
In 1906 the Library purchased the 80,000 volume
collection of Russian bibliophile Gennady Yudin, making the Library
of Congress a leading center for Slavic research in the United
States. To process and service this collection, the Library created
a special unit that assumed responsibility first for Eastern European
materials and then, since 1978, for materials from or about all
of Europe except Iberia, which are under custody of the Hispanic
Division, and Great Britain and Ireland, which are the responsibility
of the Humanities and Social Sciences Division.
In terms of size, German, French, and Russian are
the Library's largest foreign-language European holdings. The
German-language collections are the largest and most diverse in
North America, comprising approximately 3,000,000 volumes, with
an annual increment of about 30,000 volumes. Many of the Library's
best-known and most valuable holdings are German materials. Historical
materials relating to German tribes, the medieval empire, and
modern Germany, Austria, and Switzerland are numerous, and special
collections covering the German-speaking countries of Europe are
extraordinarily broad in many specialized areas such as law, music,
prints, and maps. French items in the general collections are
estimated at over one million volumes. These include materials
published in all French-speaking countries of Europe, Africa,
Asia, North America, and the Middle East. The French collections
offer in-depth resources for the study of France, Belgium, and
Switzerland--from the Renaissance to contemporary times--as well
as extensive resources related to North America, Africa, and Asia.
The Russian-language collections number about 800,000 volumes
with nearly that many volumes about Russia and the Soviet Union
in other languages. These collections include materials that were
not available to researchers in Central and Eastern Europe under
the communist regimes. The Russian collections, with extensive
holdings of serials, scholarly works, government publications,
and émigré literature, are by far the largest and
most comprehensive outside Russia itself, making the Library of
Congress a major resource for research on Russia and the former
Soviet Union. Materials from the countries of former Soviet Central
Asia can also be found in the African and Middle Eastern Division.
[Poster--USSR between 1965 and
1980]. Poster Collection. Prints & Photographs
There are rich and well-balanced collections of
materials from and about other European countries as well. The
collections boast an estimated 600,000 books in Italian or about
Italy. There are more than 150,000 books in Polish and perhaps
as many about Poland in other languages, particularly English,
Russian, and German. Works on Hungary and Hungarians and by Hungarian
authors amount to about 130,000 titles, including 2,700 periodicals
and 120 newspapers. Dutch and Flemish collections consist of about
190,000 items. The Czech and Slovak collections are estimated
at more than 115,000 volumes, including about 2,000 periodical
titles. There are Swedish and Danish collections of about 80,000
volumes each, a Norwegian collection of approximately 40,000 volumes,
a Finnish collection of approximately 50,000 volumes, 70,000 volumes
in Ukrainian, over 50,000 in Modern Greek, about 40,000 in Rumanian,
25,000 in Bulgarian, and about 130,000 in the other south Slavic
languages, with smaller collections of Albanian, Estonian, Icelandic,
Latvian, and Lithuanian materials in the 4,000 to 10,000 volume
The European
Reading Room is a public reading room with a reference collection
of about 10,000 volumes that includes dictionaries, encyclopedias,
biographical, historical, and genealogical works, guides, directories,
statistical yearbooks, economic and physical geographies, demographic
studies, atlases, specialized catalogs, and guides to major European
collections in the United States and abroad. In addition, the
reading room provides current issues of many periodicals published
in Central and Eastern Europe, as well as several of the most
important French, German, and Italian newspapers. A staff of area
and country specialists and multilingual reference librarians
provides research assistance and online access to a wide range
of clients.
The Library's Spanish
and Portuguese collections, among the finest in the world, have
been developing for almost two centuries and are rooted in America's
interest in the cultures and societies of the Luso-Hispanic nations.
The first books in Spanish or dealing with Iberia were acquired
in 1815 with the purchase of Thomas Jefferson's collection. The
Spanish-American War in 1898 focused the Library's attention on
the Latin American area. Knowledge of the Library's growing specialization
in the Hispanic field began attracting important gifts, such as
the collection of pioneer American anthropologist Ephraim George
Squier. In 1927 Archer M. Huntington, philanthropist, Hispanist,
poet, and president of the Hispanic Society of America, established
the Huntington Endowment Fund as the first of several important
donations for the purchase of books related to the Spanish and
Portuguese areas. It was with Huntington's support and encouragement
that the Library established the Hispanic Division in 1939 to
service this growing body of material.
Antonio de Herrera y Tordesillas
(1559-1625). Descriptio Indiae Occidentalis.
1622. Geography and Map Division.
The Hispanic Division is a center for the study
of the cultures and societies of the Iberian Peninsula, Latin
America, the Caribbean, and other areas where Spanish and Portuguese
influence has been significant, such as the Philippines and areas
in the United States, covering some 55 countries or regions. Primary
and secondary source materials are available for the study of
all periods from the earliest Iberian, Celtic, and Roman periods
and the pre-Columbian era to the present. Of the nearly 20 million
volumes in the general book collections of the Library, more than
2 million are concerned with the Spanish, Portuguese, and Caribbean
world and of the 110 million items in the collections approximately
10 million relate the Luso-Hispanic areas. Holdings are particularly
strong in history, politics, government publications, religion,
literature, the social sciences, and law. The collections contain
over 250,000 titles dealing with Spain, its regions, and related
autonomous territories. More than 4,000 serial titles and over
200 current and retrospective newspapers are maintained. Typical
of the holdings for particular countries, the Library's Brazilian
items number approximately 150,000 titles. The well balanced and
rich Mexican collections surpass 100,000 titles, with special
strength in official publications and historical and legal materials.
The Hispanic newspaper collection is arguably the most extensive
in the world.
In addition to books, serials, and newspapers, the
collections include rare books, manuscripts, maps, photographs,
fine prints, posters, feature and documentary films, newsreels,
videotaped television programs, recordings, and sheet music. There
are noteworthy collections of political and historical pamphlets
relating to the Iberian Peninsula and Latin America for the 1900-1940
period, and other collections for more recent political pamphlets
dealing with Latin America and the Caribbean, all of which have
been microfilmed. The Hispanic Division houses vertical files
which contain finding aids for Hispanic materials housed in special
collections of the Library. Also available in the Hispanic Reading
Room are current local Hispanic newspapers, selected scholarly
journals, newsletters, a clipping file of English-language newspapers,
and access to a large variety of online information. Other materials
relating to Spanish, Portuguese, and multi-lingual Caribbean societies
include debates of parliamentary bodies, ministry reports, official
gazettes, and national, state, and provincial government imprints.
As examples of Hispanic materials held in other
units of the Library, the Manuscript
Division houses the 16th-century Columbus Codex,
a 1547 Mexican treatise on native languages, and a 1542 letter
written by Hernán Cortés to Charles V, recommending
that the Indians of Mexico be placed under the protection of the
Spanish crown, as well as valuable manuscript holdings in the
Harkness collections for Mexico and Peru, the Hans P. Kraus Collection,
and the Drake corpus. The Library's Rare Book and Special Collections
Division houses treasures such as the first book printed in the
Americas, namely, Juan de Zumárraga's Dotrina Breve published
in Mexico City in 1543, and many valuable items in the Lessing
J. Rosenwald Collection, as well as an outstanding collection
of rare books by Cervantes. The Law Library has assembled the
most comprehensive Iberian and Latin American legal collection
in the world, ranging from items such as a 13th-century edition
of Fuero Juzgo of Spanish Visigothic law, to contemporary
laws, statutes, and legislation. Much new material is offered
online through the Global
Legal Information Network (GLIN). Another area where the Library
is rich in Hispanic holdings involves geographical materials.
Accounts by foreign travelers supplement the holdings of the Geography
and Map Division, which offers single sheet, series, and serial
maps and atlases.
Of special interest are the Archive
of Hispanic Literature on Tape and the Handbook
of Latin American Studies. First begun in 1942, the
Archive contains original voice recordings of selections of the
writings of contemporary poets and prose writers. In recent years,
interviews with authors have been videotaped. Recorded to date
are some 640 authors, among whom are eight Nobel laureates. The
complete list of writers appears on the Hispanic Division's home
page on the Internet.
The Hispanic
Reading Room's web page offers a succinct online view for
the reader who wishes to learn about the division's resources.
From automated indexes of genealogical sources to biographies
of Hispanic American Members of Congress, the web page also allows
access to the Library's book collections using either English
or Spanish, and can direct users to finding aids for specific
subjects such as the Spanish-American War of 1898.
The Handbook of Latin American Studies,
published by the University of Texas Press, was brought to the
Hispanic Division in 1939 by its first chief, Lewis Hanke. It
is the Library's--and the world's--oldest and most authoritative
reference source on Latin America. Its editorial staff helps shape
the Library's collections, ensuring that they develop in a systematic
manner in response to demands in the field. The staff is also
available for specialized reference consultation. The more than
130 scholars who help edit the volume are among the most expert
researchers in those collections as well as annotators of the
books and articles listed in the annual volumes. Beginning with
volume 50 of the Handbook, the first to be fully automated, the
entries are accessible through the LC Online Catalog. The Fundación
MAPFRE América of Spain, with the assistance of the Andrew
W. Mellon Foundation, financed the retrospective conversion of
the first 53 volumes of the Handbook to CD-ROM format and the
heirs of Lewis Hanke underwrote the mounting of the CD-ROM on
to the Internet. The Fundación Histórica Tavera,
which is continuing the MAPFRE project, is preparing a revised
edition of the CD-ROM that includes volumes 1-55. HLAS
Online, the Handbook's web site, is the most authoritative
database on Latin American studies, comprising all annotated items
from the printed volumes beginning with volume 1, unnanotated
citations to items that were not selected for print, and citations
to appear in forthcoming printed volumes.
The Library of Congress,
with its near-universal collections policy, is a unique and accessible
resource that can provide entry to a dazzling array of languages,
formats, and subject matter. Because its primary responsibility
is to serve the Congress, the Library strives to keep its materials
current. Holdings are constantly augmented through purchase, exchange,
and cooperative agreements.
United States government agencies wishing to exploit
the resources of the Library of Congress may receive assistance
and direct access to the collections via the Library's
Federal Research Division. The expert staff of the Federal
Research Division provides Federal agencies with foreign area
research and analysis in tailor-made formats based on specific
agency requirements. Services range in complexity from document
delivery to translations, database development, and comprehensive
studies and reports. Many of these directed-research products
are also made available to the general public and, as such, constitute
additions to the Library's collections. One such product is the
Country Studies/Area Handbook Series--some 106 hard-cover,
multidisciplinary volumes covering 143 sovereign countries and
15 dependencies. In addition to the traditional print format,
the Library of Congress now offers these books on the Internet's
World Wide Web. Other major Federal Research Division products,
based on archival materials transferred to the Library of Congress
and now available online via the Internet, include the index to
declassified U.S.
Government POW/MIA documents from the Vietnam War era and
full texts of documents (in Russian and English) and reports retrieved
from Russian archival sources concerning unaccounted-for Americans.
This brief survey can only suggest the scale and
depth of the collections held by the Library of Congress. A less
well-documented strength is the Library's outstanding reference
staff who provide expert assistance to all. All users of area
studies materials are urged to consult appropriate reference staff
prior to their visit. Those with more general interests may wish
to begin their visit in the Main
Reading Room of the Jefferson Building, where they may take
advantage of services offered by the Humanities and Social Sciences
Division staff.
In addition, researchers engaged in long-term projects
are invited to contact the Office of Scholarly Programs for information
about special services. The Scholarly Programs office acts to
engage the scholarly community in the ongoing exploration of the
Library's rich collections and to build a genuine community of
scholars and researchers within the Library. Through conferences,
meetings, special programs, lectures, publications, and other
services, the office encourages deep and fruitful long-term relationships
between the Library of Congress and the national and international
intellectual communities. For additional general information,
researchers are invited to consult the office's brochure, An
Invitation to Scholars and Researchers.
For further information, please contact: