Sunday, January 11, 2009 | View previous editions
President-elect Barack Obama, shown speaking at George Mason University in Fairfax, said his stimulus plan focuses on private-sector job creation.
President-elect Barack Obama, shown speaking at George Mason University in Fairfax, said his stimulus plan focuses on private-sector job creation.



Advisers See Nearly 4 Million Positions Saved or Created
Facing increased skepticism from both parties about the details of his economic stimulus proposal, President-elect Barack Obama and his team yesterday laid out new claims regarding the $775 billion package, saying that 90 percent of the jobs produced would be in the private sector, including...
Some Link Crime In Montgomery To Immigration
For years, mainstream Montgomery County has been generally accepting of illegal immigrants, and county leaders followed suit, pledging not to enforce immigration laws even as police agencies elsewhere in the region began to do so.
As More Perish and Poverty Deepens, Kin Abandon Traditions
HARARE, Zimbabwe -- Noel Nefitali died of cholera on Dec. 28 at age 35, though no one passing by his grave site would know that.
As a teenager, Katie K. Davenport washed dishes in the basement of a whites-only restaurant in downtown Baltimore, where as an African American she did not venture to the world upstairs.
The Iranian businessman was looking for high-quality American electronics, but he had to act stealthily: The special parts he coveted were denied to Iranians, especially those seeking to make roadside bombs to kill U.S. troops in Iraq.
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