Posted at 9:00 AM ET, 01/12/2009

Where to Play Gawker

Dozens of movie stars, athletes and entertainers are expected to arrive in Washington in the next week. They'll be at the balls and parties, of course, but if you're hoping to catch a glimpse of your favorite actors -- or maybe get an autograph -- while they're in town, here's where some have been spotted in the past.

Cafe Milano
"D.C.'s culinary equivalent of a red carpet," according to the Post's Reliable Source column, is the go-to spot for celebrities, whether that's Placido Domingo, the Clintons, George Clooney, Stevie Wonder, Isaiah Washington, or visiting heads of state.

Charlie Palmer Steak
This modern steakhouse prime location right across Constitution Avenue from the Capitol means you could run into Hillary Clinton or Dianne Feinstein.

The upscale biker bar-meets-VJ lounge has hosted numerous celebrities in its first year. Tiger Woods dropped by for a cocktail. Adam Levine of Maroon 5 slung drinks behind the bar. Even Bob Saget got a table when he was in town.

Morton's -- Georgetown
Tiger Woods, Miley Cyrus and the Jonas Brothers are among the celebs who've dined at steakhouse.

The Palm
Exactly what you'd expect from a D.C. steakhouse with portraits of celebrities on its walls -- lots of senators and lobbyists, lots of cable media types, and the occasional George Clooney sighting.

The Park at 14th
A swank, well-appointed nightclub and lounge caters to younger celebrities -- Usher, Will I. Am., Carmen Electra, Clinton Portis and members of the Washington Wizards and L.A. Lakers. Getting in can be tough if you're not dressed to the nines.

Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal and Fox News' Megyn Kelly have been spotted at the tapas restaurant, which is hot with TV foodies, including Rachael Ray, Emeril Lagasse and Mario Batali.

-- Fritz

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Posted at 3:27 PM ET, 01/10/2009

Thirsty at 3 a.m.?

Wondering where you'll be able to party until 4 a.m. in the days before Barack Obama's inauguration? The District's Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration has released the names of bars and nightclubs that received permission (and paid $250 a night) to stay open late between Friday the 16th and the wee hours of Wednesday the 21st. What follows is a selected list, organized by neighborhood for easier browsing.

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Posted at 4:54 PM ET, 01/ 9/2009

Ch-Check It Out

From the growing this-just-in file of inauguration shows: the Beastie Boys and Sheryl Crow will be playing Monday, Jan. 19, at the 9:30 club. Tickets go on sale tomorrow at 10, and we don't know how much they'll be yet; locals Citizen Cope and Justin Jones are also on the bill.

The name of this event might be even longer than the headliners: it's called the America Feels Kinda' Cool Again Inaugural Gala, brought to you by Rock the Vote.

-- Anne

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Posted at 11:15 AM ET, 01/ 9/2009

Adams Morgan Limits Inauguration Parties

When the City Council announced last month that bars could stay open until 4 a.m. in the days leading up to the inauguration, it was a natural assumption that Adams Morgan, with its blocks of bars and restaurants, would be party central for five days. As it turns out, most bars won't be able to take full advantage of the extended hours.

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Posted at 12:54 PM ET, 01/ 8/2009

Thanks for Coming!

So nice to see you all at Bourbon last night. We couldn't be more psyched that you rallied in the rain to come hang out with us.

As Rhome mentioned last night, our next happy hour will be Thursday, Feb. 12. Details are still in the works -- I think we might need a bigger space, definitely more bartenders -- but you can bet we will keep you posted right here. Got any ideas of what you want to see at future Guru happy hours? Let us know in the comments below. (Please say karaoke.)

Pictures from last night to come later today.

-- Julia

Update: We have photos, all by Dakota Fine. And there are lots more after the jump.

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