Congressman Jesse L. Jackson, Jr. Representing the People of the 2nd District of Illinois

Washington DC Office
2419 Rayburn House Office

Washington DC 20515-1302
Phone: (202) 225-0773
Fax: (202) 225-0899

Homewood Office
17926 South Halsted
Homewood, IL 60430-2013
Phone: (708) 798-6000
Fax: (708) 798-6160
Chicago Office
7121 S. Yates Blvd.
Chicago, IL 60649
Phone: (773) 734-9660
Fax: (773) 734-9661

Congressman Jackson: “Barack Obama’s Victory
Reflects the Promise and Possibility of America”

For Immediate Release: Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Contact: Kenneth Edmonds, 202-225-0773

Congressman Jesse L. Jackson Jr., released the following statement about the historic election of Barack Obama as the 44th President of the United States of America:

“The election of Barack Obama as President is a defining, shining moment in our country’s history.  We, as a nation, move closer to the mountaintop.

“In record numbers, Americans went to the polls and voted to turn the page on the failed policies of the last eight years and write a new chapter in our nation’s unfolding story.  We – the people – chose hope over fear, unity over division, and change over the status quo.

“Barack Obama’s victory reflects the promise and possibility of America – that here, in the greatest country in the world, ‘a skinny kid with a funny name’ from Chicago’s South Side can rise as high as his dreams, and even reach the Oval Office.  This election brings us closer to fulfilling Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream of a nation, where people would ‘not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.’

“At a time of deep partisanship and polarization, Obama has inspired us to reach beyond our differences in order to find our common purpose and to meet our national challenges – together. His campaign has affirmed and animated the motto included in the Great Seal of the United States: E Pluribus Unum – ‘Out of Many, One.’  We, indeed, are all Americans.

“So, we will emerge from this long and tough political season a country more united, more inclusive, stronger and better.  The vote for Barack Obama demonstrates the faith not only in his ability, but also in our own ability, to bring about the change that we need.

“With a new President, we summon our national vision, and will, and energy to bring change that ends the war in Iraq, fixes our health care system, breaks our addiction to foreign oil, and puts the country back on the path to peace and prosperity.

“Together, yes we can.”
