Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr., Representing the Peple of the Second District of Illinois
United States Capitol Building

Jackson Responds to Saddam’s Capture

For Immediate Release: Sunday, December 14th 2003
Contact: Frank Watkins, 202-225-0773

Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. issued the following statement today after the U.S. military captured former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein:

"It’s a good thing that Saddam Hussein has been captured, and captured alive. I hope his capture and trial will be used not only to achieve justice with respect to Mr. Hussein, but to close the many gaps in information of what actually happened leading up to the U. S. pre-emptive war against Iraq.

"I also hope it means a reduction in Iraqi resistance, a reduction in the loss of American, Iraqi and other lives, and success in the effort to reconstruct Iraq. I believe it gives the U.S. a new chance to internationalize both the security and reconstruction efforts in Iraq.

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