Congresswoman Melissa Bean, Representing the Eighth District of Illinois
Congresswoman Melissa Bean
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For Immediate Release

Contact: Amanda J. Oefelein 


December 18, 2006

Phone: 847-519-3434


Congresswoman Melissa Bean; State Representative Suzie Bassi; Rebecca Darr, WINGS Executive Director; and Dave Strahl, AT&T Director of External Affairs announce a $15,000 AT&T Excelerator Grant




Rolling Meadows, IL – Today Congresswoman Melissa Bean (IL-8) was joined by State Representative Suzie Bassi; Dave Strahl, AT&T Director of External Affairs; and Women in Need Growing Stronger (WINGS) representatives to announce WINGS’ receipt of the a $15,000 AT&T Excelerator Grant.  

The money will be used to set up a virtual private network that will link 74 computers in 9 different physical locations. This will streamline their process of maintaining and recording vital information while protecting that data, and sustaining confidentiality and safety for all staff and residents.

“As the only shelter of its kind in the area, WINGS is often the best and only resource for area women and children in need,” said Congresswoman Bean.  “This grant will allow WINGS to continue the vitally important services it provides to this community.  This program helps victims of domestic violence to achieve self sufficiency.  I will continue to do what I can to support WINGS’ efforts in our community.”

In the past two years Congresswoman Bean has developed a strong working relationship with WINGS.  Last year, she worked with WINGS to help secure a $246,000 grant through the Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance.  Earlier this year, she urged the governor’s office to prioritize the release of $575,000 in previously-approved, much-needed state funding, which WINGS ultimately received in October.  Most recently, she submitted a letter of support for the AT&T grant that was awarded today. 

WINGS provides emergency housing for women and children who are victims of domestic violence and transitional housing for homeless women and children.  In addition to food and clothing, residents are offered counseling, life skills, vocational training, and educational programs for women and therapeutic programs for children and adolescents.  WINGS also equips area homeless women with the support, training and resources to move from welfare dependence to economic independence.

*In above photo, from left to right: Congresswoman Melissa Bean; State Representative Suzie Bassi; Rebecca Darr, WINGS Executive Director; and Dave Strahl, AT&T Director of External Affairs
