Congresswoman Melissa Bean, Representing the Eighth District of Illinois
Congresswoman Melissa Bean
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For Immediate Release

Contact: 202-225-3711 


October 24, 2005





PALATINE, IL – Congresswoman Melissa Bean (IL-8) has secured more than $246,000 in federal grant funding to WINGS (Women In Need Growing Stronger), the Northwest suburbs’ only emergency women’s shelter.  The grant, awarded through the Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance, will be used to continue and develop new critically-needed programs to assist female victims of domestic violence and their children.  Today Bean presented WINGS Chairman Rita Canning and Executive Director Rebecca Darr with a ceremonial check in honor of this grant. 

“As the only shelter of its kind in the area, WINGS is often the best and only resource for area women and children in need.” Bean, said.  “This grant will allow WINGS to continue the vitally-important services it provides to this community.  Victims of domestic violence need a chance to get back on their feet, and this program allows them to do just that.  I am elated to bring federal funding from Washington to such a worthy local cause, and I am especially gratified to do so during Domestic Violence Awareness Month. While we take October to increase awareness of this issue, we should keep in mind that organizations like WINGS are working constantly to end domestic violence.”

WINGS provides emergency housing for women and children who are victims of domestic violence and transitional housing for homeless women and children.  In addition to food and clothing, residents are offered counseling, life skills and vocational training, and educational programs for women and therapeutic programs for children and adolescents. WINGS also equips area homeless women with the support, training and resources to move from welfare dependence to economic independence. 

