Nydia M. Velázquez


All hearings will be held in the Small Business Committee Hearing Room at 2360 Rayburn House Office Building Google map

Upcoming Business:

WEDNESDAY, January 14, 2009, 10:00 AM
Open Forum on “The State of the Small Business Economy and Identifying Policies to Promote an Economic Recovery.”

Recent Business:

MONDAY, December 8, 2008, 10:00 AM
Subcommittee on Rural and Urban Entrepreneurship field hearing on “Examining the Effect of Industrial Contamination on Small Businesses and Their Surrounding Communities, as well as Potential Solutions.”
Location: Skyland Fire Department, 9 Miller Road, Arden, North Carolina.

THURSDAY, November 20, 2008, 10:00 AM
Full Committee hearing on "Review of Recent Federal Efforts to Improve Credit Conditions for Small Businesses.” Witness List | Video Highlights on YouTube

TUESDAY, October 28, 2008, 10:00 AM
Full Committee hearing on "Creating Opportunities for Small Businesses in an Economic Recovery." Witness List | Video Highlights on YouTube I Report on Small Business Economic Outlook

THURSDAY, September 25, 2008, 10:00 AM
Full Committee hearing on “Small Business Competition Policy: Are Markets Open for Entrepreneurs?” Witness List | Video Highlights on YouTube

Read Our Latest News:

November 25, 2008 -- Fed and Treasury Provide Assistance to Small Businesses

November 20, 2008 -- $1.6 Trillion in Bailout Funds Fail to Find Their Way to Small Businesses

October 28, 2008 -- Small Business Owners Come to Capitol Hill to Discuss the Economy

October 2 , 2008 -- SBA's New Women Procurement Rules "Set Women Back Decades," Says Rep. Velázquez

September 29 , 2008 -- Rep. Velázquez Receives National Leadership Award

September 15 , 2008 -- Rep. Velázquez Receives Legislator of the Year Award

September 10 , 2008 -- Rep. Velázquez Receives Golden Triangle Award from National Farmers Union

July 31, 2008 -- Committee Examines Costs and Challenges of Electronic Health Records to Small Medical Practices

July 30, 2008 -- Committee Examines Ways to Ease Growing Regulatory Burden on Small Businesses 

July 24, 2008 -- Committee Examines Need for Additional Stimulus Package Small Business Tax Modernization Bill Introduced to Help Spur Economy

July 23, 2008 -- Small Business CHOICE Act would bring Healthcare Coverage to Millions of Americans

July 17, 2008 -- Fraud Rampant in Billion Dollar Contracting Program

July 10, 2008 -- Committe Examines Role of "Green" Entrepreneurs in Spurring the Economy

June 26, 2008 -- Committee Examines Air Travel Crisis and How It's Hurting Entrepreneurs and the Economy

June 25, 2008 -- Subcommittee Examines Role of Online Advertising in 21st Century Small Business Economy

June 12, 2008 -- Committee Reviews Potential Effects of Proposed Electronic Payments Tax Reporting

June 11, 2008 -- Subcommittee Explores Role of Small Businesses in Expanding Biofuels Production

June 6, 2008 -- Committee Examines Tax Incentives for Housing Sector Proposed Measures would Help Address the Housing Crisis While Strengthening Nation’s Small Business Economy

May 21, 2008 -- Committee Reviews Proposed Second Round of CMS Competitive Bidding Project

May 15, 2008 -- Rising Food Prices Hit Small Firms Hard

May 14, 2008 -- Committee Hears from the Medical Community on the Effects of CMS Programs and Rules on Small Firms

May 8, 2008 -- Committee Evaluates Impact of Planned Cut to Medicare Physician Fee Payments

May 1, 2008 -- Committee Examines Impact of Rail Transport Issues on Rural Small Businesses and Family Farms

April 24, 2008 -- Statement by Chairwoman Nydia M. Velazquez, Full Committee Hearing: “The Role of Small Businesses in Stimulating the Economy”

April 18, 2008 -- Congresswoman Velázquez Reacts to Selection of New U.S. Housing and Urban Development Chief

April 17, 2008 -- Committee Holds Earth Day Hearing on Maintaining Public Lands for Hunting, Fishing, Ranching and Small Businesses

April 16, 2008 -- Subcommittee Examines Ways to Open Federal Marketplace to Small Businesses

April 10, 2008 -- Committee Explores Updating Tax Code as Means of Helping Entrepreneurs Spur the Economy

April 10, 2008 -- House Approves Resolution Recognizing The Work of American Plumbers

April 9, 2008 -- Federal Court Delays Implementation of Flawed CMS Pilot Program

April 9, 2008 -- Subcommittee Examines Impact of Rising Gas Prices on American Small Businesses

April 9, 2008 -- Chairwoman Velázquez Honored by American Optometric Association

April 3, 2008 -- Committe Examines Role of Credit Cards in the Financing of Small Firms

April 1, 2008 -- Chairwoman Velázquez Honored by American Legion

March 17, 2008 -- Chairwoman Velázquez Receives Wheat Advocate Award for Second Year in a Row

March 13, 2008 -- Committee Reviews Proposal to Modernize SBIR Program

March 12, 2008 -- Subcommittee Examines Role of Entrepreneurial Development in Promoting the Success of Small Firms

March 6, 2008 -- New Federal Contracting Methods Shortchange Taxpayers and Entrepreneurs

February 28, 2008 -- Small Business Owners Disagree with Bush Administration on Effectiveness of Paperwork Reduction Act

February 27, 2008 -- House Committee on Small Business Rejects President’s FY 2009 Budget

February 26, 2008 -- House Subcommittee Calls for Plain Language in Government Documents

February 26, 2008 -- State Health Care Reform Efforts Examined

February 13, 2008 -- House Subcommittee Examines the Role of SBIR in Fostering Medical Breakthroughs

February 8, 2008 -- President’s Budget Fails U.S. Small Businesses

February 1, 2008 -- SEC Announces One-Year Delay on Implementation of Sarbanes-Oxley’s Section 404(b)

January 29, 2008 -- President Bush’s Final State of the Union Speech Short on Proposals to Help Small Firms Spur the Economy

January 29, 2008 -- Committee Calls for Sweeping Reforms to SBIR Program

January 23, 2008 -- Variety of Challenges Make Affordable Health Care Options Elusive for Small Businesses

January 17, 2008 -- Committee Finds Small Business Exporters Are Not Being Served Adequately by U.S. Export-Import Bank

January 16, 2008 -- House Approves Legislation to Help Veterans and Reservists Succeed as Small Business Owners

January 16, 2008 -- House Committee on Small Business Finds Bush Administration Unwilling to Help Women Entrepreneurs

Read Our Latest Reports:

Small Business Economic Outlook: Assesing Current Conditions and Challenges to Growth


Budget Views and Estimates on the Administration’s FY 2008 Request
House Small Business Committee letter focusing on the President's FY2008 Budget request for the SBA and programs created by the Small Business Act and the Small Business Investment Act.

Committee on Small Business Rules and Procedures

Oversight Plan for the 110th Congress

Year-end Report: Small Business Record 109th Congress
The House Small Business Committee Democrats released a report evaluating the status of small business legislation in the 109th Congress.

Katrina Anniversary Report
The House Small Business Committee Democrats released a report analyzing the decline in disaster loan approvals and disbursement rates for small businesses impacted by Hurricane Katrina.

Report on Impact of Rising Energy Costs on Small Business
The House Small Business Committee Democrats released a report analyzing the impacts that rising energy prices are having on various sectors of the small business community.

Scorecard VII Report: Faulty Accounting by Administration Results in Missed Opportunities for Small Businesses
The House Small Business Committee Democrats released the seventh annual Scorecard report, which reviews 22 federal agencies on how they meet their small business contracting goals.

Report on Impact of President's FY 2007 Budget on
Rural Small Businesses

The House Small Business Committee Democrats released a report detailing the impact of the President's budget on rural small business initiatives that are slated to be cut in the FY 2007 proposal.

Report on Small Business Administration (SBA)
Disaster Loan Program

The House Small Business Committee Democrats released a report analyzing trends and the overall decline in approval rates for the
Small Business Administration's (SBA) disaster loan program.

Report on Impact of President's FY 2007 Budget on
Small Business

The House Small Business Committee Democrats released their
annual budget report, which highlights 75 small business programs
government-wide that have been slated to be cut or eliminated
in the
President's FY 2007 request.

109th Congress - Small Business Record
The House Small Business Committee Democrats released
109th Congress - Small Business Record,
a report documenting detailing legislation that has failed to move
through the House and Senate over the past year.

Minority Business Summit Report
The House Small Business Committee Democrats released a
report outlining the unique challenges facing minority entrepreneurs,
and legislative solutions to address these issues.

Small Business Index (SBI) for 3rd Quarter of 2005
The House Small Business Committee Democrats released the Small Business Index for the 3rd Quarter of 2005, which assesses the current economic conditions for small firms as well as the impact of Hurricane Katrina on small businesses nationwide.

Scorecard VI:
The House Small Business Committee Democrats released the sixth annual Scorecard report, which reviews 22 federal agencies on how they meet their small business contracting goals.

Small Business Index (SBI) for 1st Quarter of 2005
The House Small Business Committee Democrats released the Small Business Index for the 1st Quarter of 2005, which tracks the economic environment facing small firms by measuring 17 key indicators.


Last Site Update:
February 2, 2007

House Committee on Small Business
2361 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-4038
Fax: (202) 226-5276