Research Highlights

Major Study to Track Health of Military Personnel

Taken from the Veterans Health Administration Highlights dated June 14, 2002

In the largest study of its kind ever conducted, a team led by researchers from the Department of Defense (DoD) and VA will follow as many as 140,000 military personnel for up to 21 years to track changes in their health. Named the "Millennium Cohort Study," the effort began in 2001 and is expected to help answer questions that have long troubled researchers about the health effects of military service. Findings will also guide VA and DoD policy on health care and benefits.

Researchers from the Army, Navy, Air Force, VA and the University of Iowa will survey respondents every three years. The first group of about 100,000 participants began filling out surveys last summer. To date, some 20,000 respondents have completed the questionnaire on-line. Questions cover areas such as demographics, past and current medical problems, health risks and health-related behaviors.