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NOS Stories on the NOAA Web Site

A star coral releases its gametes into the water.

Restoring Coral Reefs, One Gamete at a Time

Every year, the August full moon triggers corals off the coast of Florida to begin their annual spawning period, releasing sperm and eggs, also known as gametes, into the water column. More...

MPA network logo

Connecting the Dots: The National System of Marine Protected Areas

Most of us are familiar with the U.S. National Parks System. The Grand Canyon, Yellowstone, and Yosemite are just a few well-known places in this network of protected natural, recreational, and cultural sites. But did you know there also are protected places in our nation’s oceans? These places are called marine protected areas (MPAs), and, like national parks, they provide lasting protection to important ecosystems as well as natural and cultural resources.  More...

Volunteers participate by planting

Restoring a Critical Urban Watershed

Each year, oil and toxic chemicals from ships, pipelines, and hazardous waste sites contaminate our nation’s coastal waters. These pollutants harm marine resources and degrade the quality of life for coastal communities. Industries, which are one source of these pollutants, are typically located along waterfronts to ease the transport of goods. More...
