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Proceedings of the 7th Annual
Federal Depository Library Conference

April 20 - 23, 1998

Cover/Title Page  | Table of Contents  |  Agenda

The Federal Bulletin Board
Helpful Hints in Its Use

Catrena Hairston
U.S. Government Printing Office
Washington, DC

James M. Mauldin
U.S. Government Printing Office
Washington, DC

About the FBBS

  • Accessible via: Telnet, FTP, WWW, or Modem
  • Provides immediate, self-service access to Federal electronic information. Participating Federal agencies add files remotely, ensuring that their latest official information is available.
  • Offers single files in a variety of formats
  • A component of GPO Access, it existed prior to the 1993 law (P.L. 103-40). Senate report 103-27 incorporated it into GPO Access.

Background & History

1989 Started under Project HERMES: Supreme Court opinions placed online

1992 Reworked to deliver files for fee via the Federal Bulletin Board. Files were priced based on file size. All users needed a password, and account approval.

12/95 All GPO Access products were made free to the public. Nov 1995, Internet access offered.

5/96 FBBS made available via the Web


  • Some agencies use it to meet Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. (Example, MSPB Summaries)
  • Provides modem access to all levels - supports speeds of 300 - 33,600 BPS
  • Internet - FTP, Telnet, WWW
  • Supports GPO Access with source files, sample questions and helpful hints
  • Quick way to make information available via the Web; can also be a secure way
  • Alternative way to meet employee needs - e.g., forwarding e-mail; file sharing

Who Uses the FBBS?

Organizations and/or individuals who:

  • Do not need (or do not have) real-time connectivity to the Internet (or a modem).
  • Need a quick, inexpensive way to deliver (or retrieve) a single, downloadable file
  • Want e-mail capability
  • Download files and exchange/or post messages

FBBS Customers

  • General Public
  • Federal Depository Libraries

Shipping Lists, List of Classes, Profiles Database

  • GPO Internal Customers

Library Programs Service (LPS)

  • Client Agencies:

Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB)

Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC)

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Top 15 File Libraries, FY 1998

Agency or POCLibraryTotal

Helpful Hints

  • Contact the SYSOP with problems with the system - connecting, downloading, etc.
  • Contact the agency representative or library operator with questions or problems or questions about file content
  • Refer to available online guides about adding helpers, readers, etc., to Web browsers
  • New software version offers an online keyword search capability

Access to the FBBS

Dial-up: (202) 512-1398 -- Settings: 8, N, 1
Telnet: fedbbs.access.gpo.gov
FTP: fedbbs.access.gpo.gov
WWW: http://fedbbs.access.gpo.gov

User Support

  • GPO Access User Support Team:
Local: (202) 512-1530
Toll-free: (888) 293-6498
Fax: (202) 512-1262

E-mail: gpoaccess@gpo.gov

Hours: 7 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday-Friday, excluding all Federal holidays


  • A component of GPO Access (Public Law 103-40)
  • Existed since 1990 (prior to GPO Access)
  • Systems Operator (SYSOP) - Catrena Hairston, (202) 512-1607

  • E-mail: chairston@gpo.gov

  • LPS Library Operator - James Mauldin, (202) 512-1698

  • E-mail: jmauldin@gpo.gov
  • User Support - Provided by the GPO Access User Support Team
E-mail: gpoaccess@gpo.gov
Toll-free: (888) 293-6498
Local: (202) 512-1530

Cover/Title Page  | Table of Contents  |  Agenda

A service of the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office.
Questions or comments: asklps@gpo.gov.
Last updated: May 22, 2002  
Page Name:  http://www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/fdlp/pubs/proceedings/98pro8.html
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